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Terry Nazon

Astrology Aspects

by Terry Nazon

Astrology Aspects

Angular relationships between planets in your natal birth chart and transiting and or progressed planets form aspects. It is through these aspects including the planets in the particular houses, and aspects made to each other with the transits or progressions that predictions can be made. Sounds complicated but, the more experience you have the easier it becomes!

ZODIACAL ASPECTS, those most widely considered, are measured in degrees along the Ecliptic. They are based upon fractional divisions of the 360-degree circle of the ecliptic - as measured in arc from the point of an observer on the Earth.

Conjunction is two planets occupying the same degree of Longitude along the Ecliptic. It is often classed as a position rather than an aspect.

Conjunction: two or more planets within about 8 degrees of each other. The conjunction intensifies the planets and houses involved.

Stellium: 6 or more planets within 8 degrees of each other. In the same sign or house. This opinion differs amongst astrologers.

Trine: 120 degrees angle to another planet. This gives an easy flow of energy and is considered the most fortunate or lucky of the aspects.

Square: a 90 degree aspect between the planets. creates a friction or angst that requires an action or decision to be made.

Sextile: A 60 degree angle between planets. This gives opportunities for change and growth

Semi-sextile: An aspect of 30 degrees between two planets. The semi-sextile is considered to be a minor aspect influencing your emotions or psyche. It indicates potential energy or activity, according to the planets' nature, signs, and houses; but one that is difficult to realize due to the signs incongruent natures. It has an orb of 1 to 2 degrees. It sort of makes your wonder "What if?"

Semi-square: A semi-square is half of a full square. it’s a 45° angle between two planets or house cusps. It’s also called an octile. It signifies that more effort is needed regarding an uncomfortable issue. It’s a minor aspect that brings challenging or stimulating energy.

Octile: see semi-square.

a 180 degree aspect between two or more planets creates an opposition. there is little or no common ground in an opposition and conflict results.

The inconjunct is an aspect of 150 °. Since all the astrological aspects are defined by the natural zodiac the planetary rulers of the inconjunct are Mars and Mercury. This is a karmic aspect involving the 1st, 6th and 8th houses and the planets mercury, Mars, Pluto and Uranus. Crisis or frustration. Mercury the thought process and Mars the manifestation aspect are not lining up. It’s through the inconjunct one faces a crisis and the need for attention to detail, correct action, efficiency. Life’s messy details need to be handled.

Aries is inconjunct Scorpio

Taurus is inconjunct Sagittarius

Gemini is inconjunct Capricorn

Cancer is inconjunct Aquarius

Leo is inconjunct Pisces

Virgo is inconjunct Aries

Libra is inconjunct Taurus

Scorpio is inconjunct Gemini

Sagittarius is inconjunct Cancer

Capricorn is inconjunct Leo

Aquarius is inconjunct Virgo

Pisces is inconjunct Libra

Opposition: Dividing the circle by one-half, results in the Opposition, a 180° separation, the reverse of a conjunction.

Trine: Dividing the circle by one-third, results in the, or 120° separation.

Yod: also called the finger of God two inconjuncts and their common planet

Subdividing the one-half aspect, there results the square, quadrate or quartile (90°), Semi-square, semi-quadrate or semi-quartile (45°), and the sesquiquadrate (135°) - square plus semi-square - the inversion of the semisquare.
Subdividing the one-third aspect, yields the Sextile or Hexagon (60°), Semi-sextile (30°), and the Quincunx (150°) - the inversion of the Semi-sextile.

The matter of Orbs is one that has never been settled. The figures given are merely an average of opinion:

Names have been given to these Aspects, as follows: 0°, Prominence; 30°, Growth; 45°, Friction; 60°, Opportunity; 90°, Obstacle; 120°, Luck; 135°, Agitation; 150°, Expansion; 180°, Separation.

Quintile. A group of aspects, introduced by Kepler, based on a division of one-fifth of the circle. They have had limited adoption, and their value is chiefly in directions. They are:

Bi-Quintile........................ 144°
Tridecile.......................... 108°
Quintile (one-fifth of 360°)....... 72°
Decile or Semi-Quintile............ 36°
Quindecile......................... 24°
Semi-Decile, or Vigintile.......... 18°

Bi-quintile is two fifths of a circle or 144° it's triggers your creativity, expression, along with your business side. You or others may seek out those who can help achieve creative or business goals or with whom you can partner with. It's a combination of creativity, business, achieving goals and money. The approaching Bi-quintile brings on greater willpower and an effort to change things and that could involve the occult.

Combust is a planet closer than 5° to the Sun. It introduces factors that considerably alter the interpretation of the conjunction.

Cazimi is A planet within 0°17' of the Sun's longitude is said to be "in the heart of the Sun" - or Cazimi. Ancient authorities deemed that it fortified the planet as much as a Combust position debilitated it; but modern authorities generally ignore the distinction and classify it as combust, imparting to the nature a one-track viewpoint on all matters appertaining to the planet so placed.

Midpoint is the midpoint between two planets or stars. It's taken by adding the degrees together and diving by 2. A midpoint ties two planets, house cusps or points together.

Declinations Explained There is another dimension to your birth chart, transits and even Compatibility Charts between romantic partners or anyone for that matter. Planets at the same distance from the celestial equator are called Parallel. When Opposite they are called Contra-parallel. We often just look at the degrees in a birth chart or any chart and this is actually the Longitude of the specific planet or planets. Declination (DEC) is the celestial sphere's equivalent of latitude and it is expressed in degrees, as is latitude. For DEC, + and - refer to North and South. The celestial equator is 0° DEC, and the poles are +90° and -90°. Right ascension (RA) is the celestial equivalent of longitude. When both planets are on the same side of this plane there are called Parallel. Consider that the two planets that are parallel are working together in your a chart. () When the planets are the same distance but on opposite sides of the celestial equator they are referred to as being Contra-Parallel. Simply put this aspect is consider to act like an opposition in a chart. () Both of these aspects activate your ability to organize and reorganize some aspect of your life, and re-adjust depending on the other planets and luminaries (The Sun and Moon) involved.

 Glossary of Astrological Terms

Accidental Dignity: A planet or celestial body's strength in an astrological chart, augmented because of its angles, e.g., it's on the ascendant, descendant, midheaven, or imum coeli, is direct and swift in motion or is positively aspected, e.g., a trine, to a beneficial planet. An accidental dignity gives that planet more leverage to the natives and will have a greater impact on the native's life path.

Affliction: If a planet is afflicted by or in affliction with another planet, there is an unfavorable aspect between the two, e.g., opposition or square.

Air (Element): An active element that corresponds with intellectualism, analysis, logic, philosophy, objectivity, and a desire to make social change. Air relates to politics, government, the external sphere of the self, communication, public relations, thought, and rational skepticism. Air can also be indecisive, capricious, unreliable, aloof, detached, or frenetic. The Air signs are Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini. Air signs are intelligent, more likely to pursue higher education, humane, and exhibit refined taste.

Almuten: The most influential planet in your natal or birth Chart, as assessed from the essential and accidental dignities, the planet's intrinsic character, zodiac sign governance, the sign in which that planet is in exaltation, and any harmonious aspects. The term is used in traditional astrology, though it appears less frequently in modern astrology.

Anaretic Degree: The 29° degree of any sign is also called the fated degree. When a planet or luminary is on the anaretic degree, it can be a debilitating position where a native lacks clarity or self-awareness due largely to the cusp that the planet or luminary is positioned between two different signs. It indicates something left over or something that might be left over before moving on. It shows one is not yet fully aware of or in control of their capability. That said, the anaretic degree portends an exceptional position. It foretells a visionary in the natal birth chart with something left to do from a previous incarnation.

Angle: The zenith (or south vertical), the nadir (or north vertical), the ascendant, descendent, midheaven,  the eastern horizon, the western horizon; the cusp of the tenth, fourth, first, and seventh houses; the medium coeli, the immum coeli, the ascendant sign, or descendant are all considered to be the significant angles of a chart. The 1st, 4th, 7th and 10th house cusps. These angles are the most powerful in astrological interpretation.

Angular Aspect: planetary Aspect on the 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps.

Angular House (House):
A cardinal house; 1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th house cusps.

Aphesis: See Zodiacal Releasing.

Arabic Parts: Arabic Part is a form of astrological analysis dating back to Babylonian, Persian, Hermetic, or Magian astrology before the first century B.C. They are constructed through mathematical calculations using certain planets or angles in an astrological chart. The Lot of Fortune (or Arabic Part of Fortune) is perhaps the most commonly discussed Arabic Part, which denotes the key or path to success. An Arabic Part analysis considers the Part of Spirit, Part of Commerce, Part of Love, The Part of Marriage, Part of Fatality, and about two dozen other Parts.

Ascendant Sign: The ascendant sign is the zodiac or astrological sign ascending on the eastern horizon at the time of your birth. It corresponds to the 1st House, the natal Chart. The ascendant signifies a person's awakening consciousness, appearance, the image the first impression you give to others.

Aspect: Angular aspects or aspects are the lines you see connecting two celestial bodies in an astrological or natal chart, representing the angle these two celestial bodies form. In traditional astrology, the degree of that angle is believed to be significant. It is indicative of the precise semiotic relationship between the two celestial bodies.

Asteroids: Asteroids are astronomical objects that orbit our Sun like planets, many coming from the Kiniper Belt but too small to be categorized as a planet. The standard listing of asteroids that modern astrologers consider are as follows:

Astrology: the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies and their influence on human affairs and the natural world.

Besiege: If a planet is besieged, it is positioned in between or flanked by two other planets. The besieged planet is the central planet of the three celestial bodies in conjunction. Some astrologers will consider a planet besieged only if it is between two malefic planets, such as being flanked by Mars and Saturn.

Benefic Planet: Benefic or beneficial planets can create positive character attributes or auspicious circumstances and opportunities in a native's life path. Jupiter and Venus are considered benefic planets. The Moon is a benefic luminary. The subsequent table profiles the beneficial and maleficent planets by their sect positioning.

Black Moon Lilith: Lilith represents our deepest repressed desires that yearn to be expressed. It speaks to the darkest parts of ourselves that we're often afraid to acknowledge or where we feel criticized or misunderstood.

Cadent House (House):
Last House in each quadrant of an astrological chart; less impact at birth, but grows in relevance as you mature; areas of learning in our lives; areas of growth and development; Houses 3, 6, 9, and 12 are cadent houses that reveal areas for nurture, where you will grow and develop through your life path.

Cazimi: A planet within 0°17' of the Sun's longitude is said to be "in the heart of the Sun" -or Cazimi. Ancient authorities deemed it fortified the planet as much as a Combust position debilitated it. Still, modern authorities generally ignore the distinction and classify it as combust, imparting to nature a one-track viewpoint on all matters appertaining to the planet so placed.

Chart Ruler:
The planetary ruler of the ascendant sign in a chart. The chart ruler will be a birth chart's most important baseline indicator.

Chart Pattern (or Chart Shape):
Chart pattern or chart shape analysis is a methodology from modern astrology attributed to Dr. Marc Edmund Jones (October 1, 1888 – March 5, 1980). Dr. Jones categorized all charts into seven types: the Splay, Splash, Bundle, Bowl, Locomotive, Bucket, and Seesaw. There is also an eighth, the Unclassified Chart. The chart pattern formed by the planets in your Chart can shed insight into your general personality pattern.

Critical Degree:  Cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn): 0°, 13°, and 26° degrees. Fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius): 8°-9° and 21°-22° degrees. Mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces): 4° and 17° degrees

Cusp: The borderline between two zodiac signs. When a planet or asteroid is said to be "on the cusp," it is positioned within a sign and thus at the cusp or within 1°-2° degrees of the preceding astrological House.

Decanates (or Decans): In traditional astrology, each zodiac sign is ruled by a triplicity of decanates or decans. There are 36 triplicities (3 decanates per House, 12 houses). The first decan for each House is between 1°-10°, the second between 11°-20°, and the third decan between 21°-30°.

Descendant: The descendant angle (or descendant sign) is the point of the ecliptic that meets the western horizon at a given moment, such as your birth, and is the opposite point or 180º angle from the ascendant sign. In the whole signs system of astrology, the descendant is the sign in your seventh House. The descendant sign for each of the ascendant signs are provided in the subsequent Chart.

Dignity: A term from Hellenistic astrology that simply describes the positioning of a planet. An essential dignity refers to the essence of that positioning, the basic interpretation from that specific positioning. An accidental dignity refers to the strength of that positioning based on other interplanetary relationships in a chart. Any time you want to talk about the positioning of a planet in your Chart, you are talking about that planet's dignity. Typically, to say a planet is dignified is to say the positioning is strong, auspicious, or strong.

Earth (Element): A passive element that corresponds with stability, pragmatism, the prudent use of resources, and financial security. Earth personalities are loyal, methodical, utilitarian, goal-oriented, get things done, and complete their tasks. Earth personalities can be short-sighted, rigid, dogmatic, or stubborn. Earth is related to wealth management, fashion, design, construction, building, property, and real estate. The Earth signs are Capricorn, Taurus, and Virgo. Earth signs are more cautious and economical than the other signs. They are resourceful builders.

Ecliptic: When viewing the heavens from the Earth's perspective, the Sun appears to orbit the Earth in a distinct path, through the twelve zodiac signs. That path is referred to as the ecliptic. The ecliptic is the apparent annual geocentric path of the Sun through the twelve zodiac signs, traversing through the degrees of Aries, then Taurus, all the way to Pisces.

Electional Astrology: Using astrological concepts to select an auspicious date and time for an event. Generally, electional astrology will consist of assessing the Moon's phase and dignity, the ascendant, positioning of the ascendant's rulership, the dignities of critical planets relevant to the subject matter of the event, and the consideration of strong angular aspects.

Elements: In Western astrology, there are four essential elements: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each House, Sign, and Planet is ruled by one of these essential elements. An astrologer will interpret the metaphysical chemistry of the elements of interacting Houses, Signs, and Planets to provide a native's personality profile. Fire relates to spirit, creativity, and ambition. Earth is about material gains, stability, and personal security. Air is communication and expression of thoughts, interpersonal relations, and community. Water is home and hearth, emotions, the subconscious, artistry, humanity, and personal trials.

Elevated Planet: The elevated planet is closest to the cusp of the tenth House or the planet in an astrological chart that is closest to the midheaven. The elevated or most elevated planet is what will most affect the midheaven sign. If it is in a dignified position, strengthening the midheaven sign, then it is auspicious. Ill-dignified and weakening the midheaven sign creates career and social limitations on the native's life path.

Ephemeris: An ephemeris, or ephemeris files (plural form: ephemerides), are tables that give the location of various planets at various times. Traditionally, to cast a birth chart, an astrologer would need to look up each planet one by one in the ephemeris for a native and locate that planet geometrically in a tropical zodiac. That was how birth charts were manually drawn. Today, few astrologers will use ephemerides. Rather, birth charts are automatically generated with software programs. The ephemeris does still come into play for metaphysical practitioners where planets in their signs and important transits or chart patterns are noted in an almanac or log that the practitioner consults for determining dates of craft.

Esoteric Astrology: Esoteric astrology is a form of modern astrology attributed to renowned astrologer Alice Bailey (1880–1949) who wrote on the relationship between spirituality and the solar system. Her branch of modern astrology, called esoteric astrology, is said to have been taught to her telepathically or through channeled knowledge from her spirit guide, an ascended Tibetan master. The foundational principle in Bailey's esoteric astrology is the seven rays, which she espouses to be the seven fundamental intangible energies behind all physical manifestation. These seven rays represent the seven basic creative forces upon which the universe and all beings within the universe are founded, and internally within the human body, are sourced from the seven chakras.

Essential Dignity: The innate or core strength (dignified position) or weakness (ill-dignified position) of a planet or celestial body based on the zodiac sign it is positioned in and the degree. To determine essential dignities, consider whether the planet is exalted, in its fall, or detriment or rulership.

Fire (Element): An active element that corresponds with inspiration, creation, confidence, willfulness, taking control, enthusiasm, verve, vitality, exploration, and trailblazing. Fire also burns, and so just as it can be creative, it can be destructive. Fire can bring anger, a bad temper, and possibly a need to dominate over others. Fire is the energy of creators and leaders. They may go through life with a strong, confident sense of self-importance. The Fire signs are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Fire signs possess a great deal of vitality and physical energy. They are enthusiastic, emotional, passionate, ambitious, and enterprising.

Fixed Modality: There are three modes of zodiac signs and each of the four elements is subdivided into the three modes. Modality corresponds with the four seasons. Mid-season is the Fixed modality. Fixed modality is what sees projects through to the finish line. Fixed modality is a slower energy, but is highly productive, persistent, and has great stamina. Fixed modality is focused. They are builders and seek to maintain order. With it, goals are more likely to be accomplished. They like to follow the rules. The fixed signs are Taurus (in Earth, for spring), Leo (in Fire, for summer), Scorpio (in Water, for autumn), and Aquarius (in Air, for winter). Fixed signs persevere. They tend to dislike change. They are determined, obstinate, stubborn, and will have more intense personas.

Geocentric: A geocentric astrological chart refers to a model in which the planetary and celestial bodies, including the Sun, are pictured to revolve around the Earth as the center frame of reference. Ancient astrology (and astronomy) were modeled after a geocentric system before heliocentricism was discovered. Astrologers today still use a geocentric model for natal charts under the metaphysical rationale "as above, so below," focusing on how the planetary and celestial bodies influence you as an individual, specifically, and thus you on Earth from the geographic location of your birth become the central frame of reference. Compare with Heliocentric.

Glyph: Glyphs refer to the symbols that represent the planets, zodiac signs, and other celestial bodies in an astrological chart. Glyphs are an astrologer's shorthand. There are planetary glyphs, zodiac glyphs, and aspect glyphs, which are provided in the below reference,

Grand Cross: A grand cross is formed by six major angular aspects—four squares and two oppositions. As both squares and oppositions are considered hard aspects, a grand cross amplifies the challenging qualities of the signs and celestial bodies they link. However, it is a sign of the hero's journey. If a native can overcome the challenges presented to him or her, then a grand cross prognosticates high echelons of success and achievement. The two oppositions forming the cross will point into one of the three modalities. That modality defines the implications of the grand cross.

Grand Trine: A grand trine is when there are three trines, or three aspects of 120° angles between planets or celestial bodies in a chart that form a grand trine connecting all the signs of a single element. Grand trines are indicators of certain professional talents. The grand trines are characterized by their element.

Great Conjunction: Jupiter in conjunct with Saturn forms a Great Conjunction, i.e., Jupiter and Saturn are within 10° of one another. Great Conjunctions attracted the interest of ancient Arabic, Babylonian, and medieval European astrologers as divine omens. When Jupiter is in conjunct with Saturn in a natal chart, then in effect the native's Saturn Returns will coincide with Jupiter Returns. While Saturn Returns are typically expressed by astrologers as trying, challenging times in a native's life path, Jupiter Returns are generally considered beneficial, fortuitous times. Thus, when the two coincide, there's some dissonance. Oftentimes the result is a very dramatic and dynamic period of the native's life path, one with very high ups and very low down periods.

Hand of God: See Yod.

Health Degree: The 29° dignity. In medical astrology, the 29° mark is known as the "health degree," and a planet or luminary at 29° can indicate past emotional wounds that have psychosomatically become chronic physical conditions that correspond with that planet or luminary's physical body correspondences.

Heliocentric: A heliocentric astrological chart is more in line with modern day astronomical understandings, and places the Earth and other planetary and celestial bodies as revolving around the Sun. See Geocentric.

Hellenistic Astrology: Hellenistic astrology is a term used to cover the early traditions of western astrology that appeared in Egypt, the Mediterranean, and Alexandria, and is considered the primary or originating source of all subsequent Western astrological traditions to follow. Philosophically, Hellenistic astrology is said to be rooted philosophically on the works of the Neopythagoreans, Platonists and Stoics. Vettius Valens and Claudius Ptolemy are some of the early astrologers attributed with Hellenistic astrology.

Herculean Ternary: Two squares and an opposition forming a triangle or ternary of astrological forces is called a Herculean Ternary. The Herculean Ternary is a set of three forces in your life that can create challenges and difficulties, that spearhead your hero's journey. These are three forces that are often presented in your life as obstacles that you must overcome in order to manifest your higher purpose. They represent the necessary pain, suffering, and difficulties you must endure if you are to become the hero of your own narrative.

Hermetic Lots: Progression of the principle of Arabic Parts. See "Arabic Parts" and "Seven Hermetic Lots."

Horary Astrology: A form of divination using astrological charts. A horoscope chart is constructed for the date, time, and location that a querent formulates a specific question. A significator planet is selected for either the querent or the question, and then the astrological Chart is interpreted around the significator to answer the question presented.

House: A house is a subdivision of the ecliptic plane within an astrological chart with its position dependent on your time and location of birth and on the rotational movement of the Earth's axis. Per my whole signs approach to astrology, the 12 houses in an astrological chart are subdivided by space, in equal arcs of 30° each. The Babylonians were said to set the first system of twelve houses, a system dating back to 1 B.C.

Hyleg: In Hellenistic astrology, a hyleg is a point in a natal chart that is a stronger indicator of personality and persona. Some astrologers consider a native's hyleg to be the ascendant sign's ruling planet. Others consider three hylegs: ascendant sign degree, sun sign degree, and moon sign degree. The Lot of Fortune is another hyleg that is often considered.

Iatromathematics: See Medical Astrology.

Imum Coeli (I.C.): The imum coeli is the point in space where the ecliptic crosses the meridian in the north, exactly opposite the medium coeli, or 180° from the medium coeli. It refers to our roots and also to the least conscious Part of ourselves. It is what drives us toward the medium coeli; it represents what drives us toward the ambitions we define for ourselves per the medium coeli. The I.C. tells the why of the Mc, which represents the what of our successes. The I.C. also shows how our parents have influenced our pursuits and aspirations, and the social status we end up achieving in life.

Leading Planet: Generally, the leading planet is the first planet to appear in the astrological Chart after the ascendant degree. However, there are exceptions, especially where specific chart patterns are involved, such as the Locomotive. The leading planet is considered to be significant, and is the force that drives the influences of the rest of the planets in the Chart. A leading planet will denote the influences most determining of a native's personality and life path. It is second in importance to the chart ruler.

Lilith (Black Moon): Per modern astrology, black moon Lilith is a sensitive point in a birth chart that represents the second foci of the elliptic formed from the orbit of the Moon around the Earth. The second foci is also the farthest point away from the Moon, in what is referred to as the apogee of the Moon's orbit. It is an abstract geometrical point. Black Moon Lilith changes signs approximately once every nine months (and houses every one to two hours), taking nine years to complete a full zodiac cycle. Astrologer Tom Lescher calls black Moon Lilith "the sister of Gaia." Black moon Lilith addresses aspects of a native's shadow self that bring on the negative karma, life challenges, and personal trials we experience. These aspects could be transgressions from a past life or dark aspects of our childhood that have a detrimental effect in our adulthood, often on a subconscious level. In a sense, black moon Lilith is about exploring the darkest nether regions of our personal psychology, the skeletons in your closet. Black moon Lilith is covered in detail under the Personal Sensitive Points section of your birth chart, alongside white Moon Selena. Compare: Dark Moon Lilith and the asteroid Lilith. Both black Moon Lilith and 1181 Lilith the asteroid relate to aspects of an individual's character that is likely to be left undeveloped, underdeveloped, neglected, or un-manifested in life, or that the individual isn't even consciously aware of.

Lilith (Dark Moon): A hypothetical second moon of the Earth that has been theorized by modern astrologers since the 1960s, before any scientific proof could verify such an existence. In 2016, astronomers discovered a small asteroid that has been in Earth's orbit, designated 2016 HO3. Astronomers refer to 2016 HO3 as a "quasi-satellite." According to calculations, 2016 HO3 has been orbiting Earth as its "second moon" for almost a century and will continue to orbit the Earth for several more centuries.

Part of Fortune: The Lot of Fortune (also called the Part of Fortune) is one of the Parts in an Arabic Parts analysis for an astrological chart. It is associated with matter and the body, and to calculate it, the first step of the determination is to identify whether the astrological Chart is diurnal or nocturnal. A geometric calculation is then rendered by counting the degrees between the Sun and the Moon, and then up from the ascendant for diurnal charts and from the Moon to the Sun, then from the ascendant for nocturnal charts. The Part of Fortune in a chart offers insight into how to succeed or prevail, where the greatest opportunities lie, and how to tap those opportunities for fruition. It is an indicator of a native's primary or optimal source of material and financial prosperity. It denotes the way to highest financial success.

Luminaries: The Sun and Moon are distinguished from the planets as the luminaries or the lights. They are the two lights in an astrological chart. The notion comes from ancient astrology, where the Moon, like the Sun, was seen as a light or energy source.

Lunar Node: Where the invisible path of the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersects with the ecliptic. The northbound intersection of these two orbits is called the north node. The southbound intersection of these two orbits is called the south node. The North Node is called the Dragon's Head, and the South Node is called the Dragon's Tail.

Lunar Phase: Phases of the Moon are categorized by how much of the Moon is illuminated. In natal astrology, eight phases of the Moon are considered for determining natal personality. The subsequent reference chart provides an overview of the eight phases. The moon phase you were born under will provide important karmic indications of your life path.

Malefic Planet: Malefic or maleficent planets can create negative characters, which in turn bring circumstantial limitations in a native's life; Saturn is a major malefic planet, and Mars is a minor malefic planet.

Mark of an Empath: See "Empath."

Medical Astrology: Western Hellenistic medical astrology dates back to the first century A.D. that espouses human body correspondences to the seven sacred planets and the twelve zodiac signs. Interpreting the planetary placements in a natal chart is said to shed light on the most prevailing health concerns of a native. Medical astrology is also used to time medical treatments under the assumption that certain treatments for parts of the body performed during auspicious alignments of planets and signs will most optimally yield success for that treatment.

Medium Coeli (Mc): See Midheaven Sign.

Midheaven Sign: The midheaven or "middle of the sky" is a point of definition in an astrological chart, per an ecliptic coordinate system, that represents the highest point in the visible sky at the time and location of your birth. It is considered one of the most important angles in an astrological chart because it points to your highest potential for professional and personal development, what you are destined to accomplish, and the greatest social status you can achieve. Typically, you will feel like you can identify with and admire the qualities of the zodiac sign governing your midheaven or your Midheaven Sign. Under Placidus, the midheaven sign is always the tenth house cusp. Under Whole Signs, the midheaven isn't necessarily in the tenth House. When interpreting the midheaven sign, observe the optimized traits associated with that zodiac sign. In the previous section on the twelve zodiac signs, career tracks corresponding to each of the twelve signs were provided. Those career tracks associated with the midheaven sign will be the ideal professional paths for the native, and the paths that are most likely to lead the native to the highest potential of success and gains in social status.

Midpoint: The equidistant midpoint between two key luminaries or planets, with the most prominent midpoint being the one between the Sun and Moon. To calculate the midpoint, locate the Sun and then locate the Moon. Count the degrees between them and locate the midpoint degree between the two luminaries. The Sun Moon midpoint is often used in synastry analysis, indicating potential soul mates, twin flames, or spiritual marriages. Key aspects between one native's Sun Moon midpoint and another's Venus or Juno will reveal spiritual romances. Midpoint analysis is traced back to medieval Western astrology, circa 1200 AD, with Italian mathematician, astronomer, and astrologer Guido Bonatti (1296—1300). One natal planet at the midpoint degree between two other natal planets in the same Chart is also significant. These three planets are going to form a critical relationship with each other.

Modes or Modality: In astrology, modes or modalities denote a native's core nature or modus operandi based on the season that the native was born in. There are three modes: Cardinal, Fixed, and Mutable.

Modern Rulerships (Rulerships): See Rulerships. Modern rulerships observe nine planets and consider the following as rulerships: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. These planets each rule one of the twelve signs. See Table 21 Modern Rulerships.

Mutable Modality: There are three modes of zodiac signs and each of the four elements is subdivided into the three modes. Modality corresponds with the four seasons. Toward the end of a season is the Mutable modality. Mutable modality is adaptable and embracing of change. The energy here is carefree, free-spirited, and more concerned with the journey than the destination. Mutable signs seek out change and progress. They have a pioneering spirit. They like to change the rules. The mutable signs are Pisces (in Water, for spring), Gemini (in Air, for summer), Virgo (in Earth, for autumn), and Sagittarius (in Fire, for winter). Mutable signs are adaptable, versatile, impressionable, and often indecisive. They vacillate between different possibilities. They're resourceful and crafty, are critical thinkers, but typically lack grounding or stability.

Natal Chart: In astrology, a natal chart, also called a birth chart, is a map or diagram of certain planets and celestial bodies in the heavens at the exact moment of your birth over the location of your birth, from a geocentric perspective. Practitioners of divinatory arts believe that the natal Chart can offer insights into your personality, your life path, and your life or soul purpose.

Native: When astrologers construct and interpret a natal chart, the individual whose natal Chart it is will be often referred to as the native.

Neptune (Planet): Neptune is related to psychic dreams, lucid dreaming, clairvoyance, intuition, fantasy, imagination, and creativity. Neptune is about visions and being a visionary. Neptune can bring musical talent, poetry, sensitivity, compassion, and where we are most imaginative. It is what we are most creative about. Where Neptune is shows where we can be the most visionary or intuitive. It often represents the influence over an entire generation. Neptune changes zodiac signs every 14 years, and so the sign it is in is not as directly relevant to you personally, but more about the overarching energetic influences on your generation.

Nocturnal Sect:
Nocturnal means night and relates to the northern hemisphere of an astrological chart, or the bottom half of the two-dimensional rendering you see. The yin principle rules here. A Nocturnal Sect is a term used in traditional astrology denoting concord, compatibility, or harmony with the northern hemisphere or area below the horizon line in a chart. Nocturnal planets are said to be more powerful when they appear in the nocturnal sect, or below the horizon line (the northern hemisphere) in an astrological chart. The Moon, Venus, and Mars are the nocturnal planets. Note: Mercury is considered neutral, and thus is neither diurnal nor nocturnal. When the Sun appears in the northern hemisphere, an astrological chart is considered Nocturnal.

Ophiuchus (Thirteenth Zodiac Sign): Ophiuchus is considered the thirteenth zodiac sign observed in some systems of sidereal astrology. Yet the discovery of Ophiuchus is not new. Western astrologers from 10 A.D. and Far Eastern astronomers were familiar with the fixed stars of this constellation. Early systems did not include the thirteenth zodiac sign into astrological chart considerations because it did not align with the seasonal Gregorian Calendar, where constellations had to align with the path of the Sun under the equinox-solstice system, that neatly divided the Calendar into 12 months. The Sun is in Ophiuchus, the thirteenth zodiac sign, between November 29 and December 17.

Outer Planets: Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the transpersonal planets in an astrological chart. These are the "outer" planets of the solar system and represent your path or ascension to higher consciousness. They point the way to our connection to Spirit, the universe, the Divine, or our higher selves. Uranus is about our intuitive awareness. Neptune is about enlightenment. Pluto is about metamorphosis. These are the slowest moving planets, symbolizing our slow but steady spiritual growth and our ability to gain heightened awareness.

Peregrine Planet: A peregrine planet is a planet on a birth chart with no major aspects. It's a loose cannon, like a wild card in the natal Chart.

Placidus Quadrant Houses: In the 17th century, the astrologer Placidus de Tito devised a quadrant house system that has become modern astrology's most popular interpretive system. Under the Placidus system, the midheaven is always in the 10th House, and the other houses are divided on a time basis. The Catholic Church popularized the Placidus astrological system as support for a geocentric theory of the solar system and has since remained in favor as the house system of choice among contemporary astrologers.

Planet: A planet is an astronomical body orbiting a star. In most ancient civilizations, the planets that could be seen by the naked eye were regarded as deities or celestials. See Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Controversy continues over Pluto, who was once regarded as a planet but is now considered a dwarf planet, like Chiron and Ceres.

Polar ascendant: The polar ascendant (PAS) is at a 180º angle from the co-ascendant (CAS) where the ecliptic plane intersects the co polar axis on the western side of a horoscopic chart. The polar ascendant reveals how people see you from afar and what strangers' first impression of you would be. The polar ascendant sign expresses your traits and qualities that are most visible, most prominent, and most memorable to others.

Progression (Progressed Chart): progression in astrology is a form of prediction used in astrology. While there are many methodologies for constructing progressed charts, generally, a chart constructed for each day after a native's date of birth corresponds with one year in the native's life "a day for a year" analysis. Thus, three days after the date of birth corresponds to age three; sixteen days after the date of birth corresponds to age sixteen; forty days corresponds with age forty, etc.

Retrograde Planet: A planet is said to be retrograde (denoted in an astrological chart as "RX") when it appears to be in backward motion in the zodiac sign. The planet is decreasing in longitude as viewed from the Earth. Think of it as being in a motor vehicle that is moving faster than an adjacent motor vehicle—when you look over at the adjacent motor vehicle, because you are moving faster, it appears to be in backward motion compared to your positioning (though in reality, both are moving forward). When three or more planets are in retrograde, events and outcomes are slower, and so in a natal chart with three or more retrograde planets, the native may have a far more significant latter half of life.

Rising Sign: See Ascendant Sign.

In astrology, rulership refers to the planet that is said to govern a particular house or sign. When interpreting the activities of a particular house of an astrological chart, note the sign and the planetary rulership correspondence for that sign. Then locate the positioning of that ruling planet in the Chart. There will be interconnections between the activities in that House and the positioning of the ruling planet in the Chart. Traditional rulerships observe only the seven sacred planets and are called lords. Modern rulerships observe nine planets. See Modern Rulerships and Traditional Rulerships.

Saturn Return: The Saturn Return is a significant astrological event when a given transiting Saturn (where the Saturn is headed to at this time) returns to the same point in the heavens as your natal Saturn (where Saturn was at the moment of your birth). Generally, Saturn Returns are about confronting the sum of choices and errors one has made. It is a time of obstacles and trials, of running the gauntlet to see what your identity is really made of. People cross a major threshold in their lives during a Saturn Return. Saturn Returns are said to be riddled with growing pains. However, Saturn Returns for those with an ascendant sign or natal Moon in Capricorn (ruled by Saturn nocturnal), Aquarius (ruled by Saturn diurnal), or Libra (where Saturn is exalted) will experience a personal renaissance during these periods.

First Saturn Return (Age 28-31)

Typically, the First Saturn Return is around ages 28-31, when you shed any remnants of youth and enter adulthood. Growing pains compounded by accepting more responsibilities, circumstances seemingly beyond one's control or understanding, and a feeling of inertia are common during the First Saturn Return unless a native's Chart bears a dignified Saturn. A dignified Saturn could provide a cushion to such spiritual and emotional blows. The First Saturn Return is a time to focus on cultivating knowledge and accepting more responsibilities.

Second Saturn Return (Age 56-60)

The Second Saturn Return, around ages 56-60, is about age. The Second Saturn Return is about revisiting the past to audit your present and determine how you will proceed from here, whether to stay the route or diverge from the route and change direction. The Second Saturn Return is often centered on personal spirituality and coming to terms with faith to reconcile knowledge and intuition. The Second Saturn Return is a time to focus on cultivating wisdom.

Third Saturn Return (Age 84-90)

The Third Saturn Return, around ages 84-90, is about love and mortality, holding on to a sense of meaning to life, changing your perspectives on the meaning of life, and defining your place, your home. The Third Saturn Return is a time to focus on cultivating one's legacy and what one is to bequeath not just to loved ones but to the world.

Selena (White Moon): See White Moon Selena.

Semisquare (Aspect): A semisquare is formed when two planets are at a 45° angle from one another. Semisquares are considered hard aspects, albeit minor ones. They can reveal potential sources of conflict or tension in a native's life path.

Sidereal (Zodiac): A sidereal zodiac is an astrological model that positions the Sun with the constellations and measures time according to the movement of the Sun across the heavens, or celestial sphere. Several astrological traditions in East Asia use a sidereal zodiac. Compare with Tropical (Zodiac). See Zodiac.

Solar Chart: See Sun Chart.

Solar Return: A solar return is, essentially, your birthday, though some astrologers observe degrees only, in which case the solar Return is not your birthday per se, but rather, would be the date in the year that the Sun returns to the same exact degree in the sign that it was in when you were born. Solar return charts can be cast and compared to the birth chart for divinatory readings that forecast what will transpire that year of life.

Star of Bethlehem : A natal chart is said to have a "Star of Bethlehem" when Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars are in conjunction under the same sign. It is based on the belief that around 2 B.C., there was a conjunction of Saturn, Jupiter, and Mars and three sage astrologers, or the "three wise men," predicted the birth of a child to be a savior to the people, located at the point where the terrestrial latitude and longitude of the triple conjunction is the same as the celestial latitude and longitude (and in the midheaven) of that geographic location. Such a child would initiate a new epoch in world history.

Stellium: A congregation or cluster of four or more planets all in one House. This cluster of celestial bodies in a single house drums up a great deal of potent, obsessive energy in the area of life that the astrological House governs. A stellium by its presence creates an opposition. An opposition represents a choice being offered. What the stellium represents is an obsessive, potent, self-creative but also possibly self-destructive path while the other, the House and the planets in that House at 180º to the stellium represent the other path, the more stable, secure, path, the path that represents moderation. One choice isn't better than the other, and it will be up to the native to choose which path, the self-creative possibly self-destructive path that will take the native to the brink of obsession (but also greatness, and the highest echelons of success and achievement, though at the expense of many other parts of that individual's life, in particular the area of life and planetary

correspondences of the House, sign, and planets opposite the stellium, at 180 º), or the opposite to it, the path of moderation.

Succedent House (House): "Following" or "subsequent to" the leading angular House; this is a house that provides support; Houses 2, 5, 8, and 11 are Succedent houses that support the preceding angular House, e.g., House 2, the House of wealth, possessions, and resources, will support the angular House 1, your life's journey and the cultivation of your personal identity; House 5, the House of progeny and happiness, will support the angular House 4, home and hearth; House 8, the House of sex, sexuality, death and taxes, and inheritances, will support the angular House 7, marriage, union, and relationships; and House 11 the House of friends and community, will support the angular House 10, your career path, social status, and professional development.

Sun Chart: A sun chart is an astrological chart for a given date set by default to 12:00 p.m. Sun charts are drawn up for individuals who do not know their time of birth. The sun chart can still be read for information about the planets in their signs, though house information won't be accurate.

Sun Moon Midpoint:
A key midpoint calculated in synastry analysis to identify possible spiritual marriages or karmic relationships between lovers.

Sun Sign: Your sun sign relates to the zodiac sign that the Sun was in at the moment of your birth. It is the sign that governs the Sun in an astrological chart. The sun sign offers insight into the external self, your ego, and your general aspirations, but it is not truly who you are. It may represent strong outside influences on the life trajectory you take, the character of your will, but the ascendant sign is what will truly tell us about you. The sun sign changes every 22-23 days, and so we often say that the month of your birth is the primary indicator of the personality you develop and the formation of your sense of self. The Sun is your willpower, and so the aspects to the Sun in an astrological chart show us where you distribute your willpower to and how you might execute that will. It shows your potential, your aspirations, and what you are capable of.

Synastry Astrology: A form of interpersonal compatibility analysis comparing two natal charts. Historically in certain cultures, synastry astrology was used to determine the compatibility of two individuals for an arranged marriage. Today it can be used to consider the strengths and weaknesses of a relationship. A bi-wheel, or two charts superimposed over one another, is constructed, and the angular aspects between the same planets in both charts are compared. From the comparative analysis, an astrologer can then assess the compatibility of the two individuals.

Thors Hammer:  the Hammer of Thor occurs when two planets form a square (aka make a 90 degree-angle) and a sesquisquare (make a 135 degree angle). All of this commotion forms a fraught triangle in the cosmos

Traditional Rulerships: See Rulerships. Traditional rulerships observe the seven sacred planets, which are said to be as follows: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. However, within traditional rulership, there are two traditions: the first assigns each of the seven planets to rule over one of the twelve zodiac signs, and the second assigns two planets to each zodiac sign based on whether a chart is diurnal or nocturnal. The second system is called the day-night rulership approach.

Transits: A transit reading is essentially a bi-wheel astrological reading where two charts are compared, typically a natal chart and the Chart for a future date and time. The two charts are superimposed over one another. Then the positioning of a planet in the natal Chart, such as the natal Mercury, is compared to the positioning of that planet in the second Chart, the transiting Mercury. House, sign, and angle analysis will help determine events and occurrences in that native's life at the time designated by the second Chart. Astrological transit readings are a form of predictive or projective astrology using an individual's natal Chart.

Triplicity: A classification of three signs of the same element. The Fire Triplicity is made up of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. The Water Triplicity is made up of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. The Air Triplicity is made up of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. The Earth Triplicity is made up of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

Tropical (Zodiac): A tropical zodiac is an astrological model that positions the Sun with the Earth's

horizon based on your specific location of birth, and so time is measured according to the four

seasons, the two solstices, and the two equinoxes. The tropical zodiac is the primary system used in Western astrological traditions. Compare with Sidereal (Zodiac). See Zodiac.

Uranus Return: When a transiting Uranus returns to the exact degree it was at when you were born, the degree of Uranus in your birth chart, that period is said to be your Uranus Return. The Uranus Return takes place around age 80 or early 80s. The Uranus Return is when we come to terms with reality and learn to find temperance between mind and reality. Uranus Returns are a time worth celebrating.

Vedic Astrology (Jyotisha): One of six key metaphysical disciplines in the Vedic tradition, Vedic astrology is based on twelve zodiac signs that correspond with the twelve Western zodiac signs. Then there are 27 to 28 lunar mansions, or houses, the number depending on the specific tradition of Vedic astrology observed. Traditionally Vedic astrology is based on the Sidereal zodiac.

Vertex: The vertex is a personal sensitive point in the western hemisphere of an astrological chart. It represents the intersection between the ecliptic, or path of the Sun, and the prime vertical, or the circular orbit that passes east and west. The vertex can be used to shed light on karmic or fated relationships when two individuals have a conjunction or an opposition between their vertex points. Thus, generally the vertex is not read in your Chart in isolation; it is interpreted in comparison or relationship with someone else's vertex the Symbol for the Vertx in the Chart is V.X.

Void of Course: A planet or luminary (such as the Moon) is said to be void of course if it does not form any aspects with other planets before leaving the zodiac sign in which it is originally positioned. A moon void of course in a house and sign at the moment of birth can indicate substantial challenges to success or fruition in the corresponding area of life or sense of listlessness or purposelessness in the correspondences for that sign. It can also indicate issues of abandonment or significant strains in relations with a biological mother or maternal figures.

White Moon Selena: White moon Selena is a sensitive point in a birth chart based on a hypothetical orbit that forms a perfect circle around the Earth. Although white moon Selena is described as an actual celestial body, since it is fictitious, it is a personal sensitive point. This sensitive point, as calculated, changes signs every six months with a complete cycle of seven years (seven being God's number for perfection). In terms of its nature, characteristics, and essence, white moon Selena is considered a polarity of black Moon Lilith. The black Moon and white moon considerations are more popular in Eastern European astrology, though in recent years has been trending among English speaking astrologers in the West. White moon Selena expresses pure light within you, that facet of the sentient you that is in Part Divine. We are all connected to the Divine, to that God principle, and white moon Selena reveals the essence in you that is Divine, and how you specifically connect with the Divine. It is that Part of you that is in resonance with the God principle.

Whole Sign Houses: Whole Sign Houses or Whole Signs is a branch or tradition of Western astrology that dates back to 1 B.C. and is considered the oldest of the Western astrological house systems. It is an astrological system used by both the Greeks and Hindus. Under Whole Signs, each House in an astrological chart is 30°, and the ascendant designates your rising sign. The first House begins at 0° in the corresponding ascendant zodiac sign. 30° later, the next zodiac sign in line after the ascendant zodiac sign becomes the second House, and so on. This is the primary and traditional system in medieval astrology and Hellenistic astrology.

Yod (Hand of God): When one of the seven sacred planets in a chart is in a sextile (60°) with a second sacred planet and that second is in a quincunx (150°) with a third, the three sacred planets form an astrological phenomenon called a Yod, or the Hand of God. A Yod is rare and therefore given special attention when it appears. The narrow angle of the isosceles triangle formed by the Yod is where the finger of God points to, indicating a sacred mission assigned to the native, by destiny. The other two planets are said to be supportive of that mission.

A zodiac is a pictorial diagram used in astrology that subdivides the heavens into twelve 30° sections of celestial longitude centered upon an ecliptic path of the Sun across the celestial sphere over the course of a calendar year. The twelve subdivisions are called zodiac signs. The zodiac is a celestial ecliptic coordinate system with the Sun at the vernal equinox as the starting point of longitude. There are two main types of zodiacs, the Sidereal and the Tropical.

Zodiacal Releasing: Zodiacal releasing, also known as aphesis, is a form of predictive astrology in the Hellenistic traditions that uses an astrological chart, specifically the Part of Fortune and Lot of Spirit, and predictios from those Lots, to determine significant life events and critical points in an individual's life path related to that individual's karmic account.

Aphesis from the Lot of Fortune

Zodiacal releasing dates calculated from the Part of Fortune prognosticate events relating to your material and physical plane, i.e., education, professional aspirations, important social or interpersonal initiations, rites of passage, and events, financial stability, career or business matters, assets and acquisitions, physical health, and vitality. Aphesis dates from your Lot of

Fortune are more likely to relate to force majeure, or external circumstances that happen to you.

Aphesis from the Lot of Spirit

Zodiacal releasing dates calculated from the Lot of Spirit prognosticate events relating to your emotional, intellectual, and spiritual planes, i.e., having to make conscious decisions about what you want out of life, what you value, and generally, making sense of all that which are fully within your faculties to control. They relate to critical milestones in your personal and inner cultivation or spiritual path. In contrast to the Lot of Fortune, the Lot of Spirit relates to free will, and points in your life when you face crossroads and critical decisions have to be made.

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