2025 Love Scopes
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2025)
The biggest question I get from my clients is, "When will I meet the one, or when will I get married?" I would love to answer these questions and have devised a method to predict love and marriage. You can find my Sexstrology ™ Love Reports on my website.
2025 Mars and Venus will go retrograde, including Mercury, and that's how it all starts. The 1st month of 2025 begins with the personal planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars retrograde or repeating their retrograde degrees. That means you are influenced by things that happen daily as you go about your business by these retrograde personal planets. It's someone you see or pass daily, say hello to, or someone missing from your life that you are reminded about. It's your routine to fix things that break that you need, like the dishwasher, car, or fridge. Personal planets affect your daily routine life. Their influence doesn't last, either.
So when we want to know about love, romance, and marriage, we look to those personal planets, Venus and Mars, because falling in or out of love affects you daily.
Aries: your sunny disposition, happiness, and desire to live a big life are influenced by the Sun, the ruler of your 5th house of love, romance, passion, how big or generous your heart is, and your prior deeds, good or bad. The Sun influences your love life, taking chances and risks. Let's face it: falling in love is risky business! Luckily, you have the planet Venus as the ruler of their 7th house of relationships, and she brings the promise of happiness through marriage or your relationships. Well, usually, it bears an affliction to your birth chart. Once your ruling planet, Mars, has cleared your 4th and 5th house, you can get on to the business of falling in love. Until then, the past haunts you. Maybe it's a broken heart or having to rebuild your life and start over.
You might reconsider your happiness and relationship status this year, and if your mate or partner has made you feel inadequate or weak, you might consider leaving. I am positive you will wake up in 2025 and wonder why you've been wasting your time, and you'll start to attract more attention and more people who find you irresistible.
Taurus: the changes you have been going through over the past years have led to some surprising connections, friendships, and romances. I say friendships because, with Uranus in your Sun sign, there would have to be a level of friendship in all your relationships for them to succeed. You have been on the road going upwards; it's been a rocky road up that ladder of success for some. This has influenced your romantic life. You must overcome hurt feelings, feeling invisible, or being too sensitive this year. The ruler of your 7th house of relationships is Pluto, where he doesn't play games, and his motto is "all or nothing!" You're much stricter this year about your romantic intrigues and who you get involved with. For this reason, you might leave someone in your dust and do your best to move on, sweeping away almost any trace of the person you deemed unfit for you. In 2025, you will eventually get back into dating and hopefully meet someone loyal.
Gemini: with Venus as the natural ruler of your 5th house of love, romance, happiness, and passions and Jupiter as your 7th house of relationships and marriage, there should be no problem finding love or getting married, right? Many of you are married to your career, a dream, or an idea. Many of you have been far too serious to find love, felt your age, or won't allow yourself to be distracted by anyone. Something strange needs to clear up in your life before marital or relationship bliss can find you. With the ruler of your relationship zone, Jupiter, to his detriment, Gemini and Mercury, starting the year, and Sagittarius and your 7th house of marriage and relationships, things aren't syncing up right. The conditions aren't there. Maybe it's been a string of married people you just happened upon over the past few years or cheaters. Oh my! But that all changes soon enough. You'll get yourself together and be ready for love. Potential single people will notice.
Cancer: there's a huge set of circumstances to get used to going forward. Pluto is out of your relationship and marriage zone and is in a house where he rules your 8th house; that puts you in a position to gain financially through others. If you are incapacitated or away, you might have to manage someone's estate, split things up, and manage their portfolio, business, or affairs. Of course, it all depends on your birth chart and how this year's retrograde planets play out. The ruler of your 7th house of relationships is serious Saturn, so this area of your chart can be difficult and demanding. You attract mega-successful types or very naughty types. No worries, Jupiter will enter your Sun, and he loves being in your Sun sign. The ruler of your 5th house of love, romance, and passions could bring in a potent romance with someone who wants Everything from you.
Leo: having Pluto going from your 6th house to your 7th house brings crisis and drama. You can fix Things that happen in the 6th house, and you usually end up fixing things for everyone around you, even your mate or partner. Not so with the 7th house. Things change, and you start to take stock of what you do for others and who needs who more. You no longer want to go from crisis to crisis. You probably start looking for an escape route out of your marriage or relationship; The easiest route is to fall in love with someone else. Lucky Jupiter is the ruler of your 5th house of love, romance, happiness, and passions. The aspects in 2025 favor new love to find its way to you unexpectedly and by surprise once you end or get over a current romance. Your heart has to be into looking for love.
Virgo: by far, Virgo, you have the most interesting chart for love, romance, and marriage. Now that Pluto has left your 5th house of love, romance, passions, and happiness, you know all the signs of unrequited love or failure in some relationships, but you could still have regrets if your ego got in the way and you sabotaged something good. He leaves you to think about things! You're ready to get into a steady and regular relationship in your life as long as it doesn't disrupt your life or demand too much. You'll do what it takes to be attractive to new prospects. Saturn will finish up his transit of your 7th house, and you'll try your best to do your part to get a commitment and refresh your romantic life in 2025! You could have more than one option for marriage.
Libra: You must be careful about finding the person who is your better half, like you in many ways, and someone who compliments you. With intense planetary influence in your 6th house, being in close personal relationships can bring out your insecurities and fears, eventually leading to conflicts and arguments. Sometimes, you might try to do too much for your love interest, or you might not want to do anything or sacrifice your time for anyone. So this causes problems. If you do all the traveling or they do all the traveling to see you, these little things build up over time if it's a long-distance relationship. Major changes occur in 2025, with Pluto in your love zone and Mars the ruler of your relationship zone starting the year retrograde. You could fall in love with the wrong person again or keep someone at a distance by pursuing a long-distance romance.
Scorpio: it's a big deal when your ruling planet, Pluto, changes signs because he doesn't do that often; even your co-ruler is AWOL and retrograde! What a way to start 2025. When in love, you will move mountains to be with the one you love, and you'll move mountains to be where your prospects for love are better. Nothing can stop you from love this year. The ruler of your 7th house of relationships and marriage is Venus through the sign of Taurus. You demand loyalty and attention from the person you love. Saturn will force you to fall in love or force someone to fall in love with you. Either way, you experience unrequited love, where you don't return someone's affection or they don't return yours. Eventually, you get tired of being alone and find anyone to be with. Things move very fast at that point!
Sagittarius: it's been a strange and hectic time that has kept you busy. The ruler of your 7th house of relationships, Mercury, suggests you love brainiacs you can talk to who laugh at all of your jokes. But the year doesn't start with laughter with Mercury in Sagittarius, his detriment, and your ruler Jupiter in Gemini, his detriment; what's going on here? Roles have changed, and no one's laughing. Things are far too serious and sensitive. If it keeps up, you'll find the exit door or a divorce lawyer. After the drama, you're ready to look for love and find a very passionate romance if you're up for it. The planets favor you for a new love and potential long-term affair.
Capricorn: you probably noticed you're a little more outgoing with Pluto out for your Sun sign! Now he's in your 2nd house of money, wealth, comfort, and how you feel around certain people. This connects money, character, boundaries, and morals to your 5th house, where Uranus is and has been transiting; the 5th house rules love, romance, passions, happiness, and children. Children can put a damper on your romantic life sometimes. So can money! The 2nd house is opposite the 8th house of intimacy, so there are intimacy issues, too. Mars retrogrades back and forth, aspecting Pluto in 2025, giving you cold feet about marriage.
Aquarius: with Pluto fully entrenched in your Sun sign, you can expect Everything to change over the coming years. It changes within you. You start to feel differently comparing yourself, wondering how you stack up to others. The ruler of your romance zone is flirtatious Gemini, where Jupiter begins the year. That would be great, except Jupiter doesn't like to be in Gemini, and flirting is frustrating.
Meanwhile, the ruler of Gemini, Mercury, is in your 11th house of ex-lovers, friends, live-in lovers, and your hopes and fears; what are you afraid of? What are you hoping for? The Sun is the ruler of your 7th house of relationships and marriage, and you love stunning, gorgeous types. If the one you love gains a little weight, gets a little pouchy around their mid area, stops being attractive for you, or ages, you're outta there! Once free, a new love comes quickly!
Pisces: since you're starting a new cycle and Everything is new, you might not have enough time to worry about your romantic life; serious work and career decisions, housing, and health concerns seem to be very important for you, the ruler of your 5th house of love, romance, passions, and happiness is the Moon with cancer as your 5th house. Mars is here and retrogrades back and forth, making aspects Pluto suggests you might date, but you could also be too sensitive to be on the dating sites. You could get catfished or hurt; protect your heart. Your 7th house of relationships and marriage is Virgo and is ruled by Mercury. Everyone finds you interesting and is super attracted to you this year. You love the attention.
Are you compatible? Is love in your future? You are so much more than just a Sun sign, so check out all my relationship reports. Click here or book a professional consultation with me. Click here.
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The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope
1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -
7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House
The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about the meaning of the planets and how they influence your personal astrology and horoscope
The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn
Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar Nodes
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Terry Nazon Inc, (C) 2025 all rights reserved, | For entertainment purposes only.

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