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The 12th House

11th House    1st House

The 12th house is a Neptune ruled house. The 12th house is a very misunderstood house. It represents where we are alone in the world, some say it's the weakest part of the chart or where we feel most vulnerable. It's a Neptune ruled house so our evasive behavior is at work in this house, possibly leading us into mistakes and mishaps. It rules, fear, self imposed destruction. It's where we trip ourselves up.

Our charity, philanthropy, music, forgiveness, drugs, things we hide from others, self imposed confinement, isolation, solitude, You absorb things through the 12th house, escapism, bondage, poverty, avoidance, debts, karmic and financial, hospitals, hotels, punishment, self deception, expenditure, solitude

In the Natal Chart:

This is the arena wherein transpires the combat against the inertia inherent in all forms of society - the limiting power of the level of race, religion and caste consciousness. Here are expressed the innermost and secret emotions; the source and nature of hidden and underhanded opposition; imprisonment, hospitalization; the uncles and aunts on the mother's side (v. Fourth House); the secret effects of sins of omission and commission - defects of character that make necessary a spiritual rebirth. Since we can rid ourselves of the presence of these ghosts of the past only by liquidating our indebtedness to them, the Twelfth may be termed the House of the Hangover; of crime, punishment and grief; the pawnshop of the Ego; the Gethsemane of the soul; the Hell wherein one atones for his errors through compassionate self-sacrifice, whereby ultimately to achieve freedom from conditions that limit and restrict. Thus it is also the House of Charity given and received. Termed the House of Bondage, and of Self-Undoing, it is also the House of Initiation and ultimate understanding. While it is frequently tenanted by the significator's of scandal, self-approbation and hardness of heart, its qualities can be advantageously employed for work done in seclusion, for confidential behind-the-scene activities, and for meditation and inner development.

The Terminal Houses or karmic houses, the Fourth, Eighth and Twelfth, corresponding to the Emotional Triplicity of Signs, are concerned with the three most mysterious phases of life; the Fourth, the end of physical man; the Eighth, the liberation of his soul; the Twelfth, his secret aspirations and his disposition in the after-world.

From this, proponents of the doctrine of Reincarnation deduce that the Nativity we have on this plane of expression we earned in a past incarnation, while the one we will acquire in our next incarnation will depend upon the life we lived in this - and are living now. Thus again is involved the Law of Cause and Effect from which is no escape.

In Mundane Astrology

Labor disturbances, plagues and epidemics, conditions that militate against the public welfare; correctional institutions, jails, prisons, workhouses, houses of detention, hospitals and charitable institutions; organizations devoted to forcible control or condemnation of people; involuntary services ordered by law; the nation's secret enemies in war and peace; spies and confidential agents of foreign countries; crimes and criminals; the personal journeying's and writings of those in power in the government; the nation's secret societies, both political and religious.

In an Organization: forces inclining to dissolution of the organization as an entity, hence enemy and secret organizations; the secret intelligence department; investigative agencies in connection with hospitals and prisons; labor unions, insofar as they represent Sixth House personnel; organized and social units, as distinguished from the parent organization; strikes and labor troubles-which have their inception in the Sixth House, but come to fruition in the Twelfth.

Houses, Reciprocal or Opposite

Sixth and Twelfth. Sixth House affairs, comprising the native's occupational activities, his service and devotion to others, are under the native's control. His bodily health is largely dependent upon his own acts. But Twelfth House matters are beyond his control, in that they comprise inhibitive influences, repressions, frustrations, even the complete loss of personal liberty dependent upon the way others react toward him - and are the class of things which since they cannot be cured must be endured.

In a National Figure, while the Sixth House pertains to the servants of the people, apart from organizations which represent them, the Twelfth represents them in organized form - in unions, brotherhoods, lodges and unions that have to do with strikes and the use of strike-breakers.

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