The 4th House
The 4th house is ruled by the Moon and the sign of Cancer. The bottom of your chart is called the Nadir. Having a planet here is very significant as this acts as one of the cardinal angles of your chart. It is how you view home, family, and traditional values, which is different and personal for each one of us. It's your family, earliest conditioning, ancestral lineage and those emotions, traumas, and stresses that have been passed down to you through generations. It's an ancestor house. These experiences can be different for members of the same family. Your basic emotions, your roots, and origins are all 4th house considerations. It's even said how deeply you are planted in the earth is a 4th house cusp consideration. It represents the parent who nurtured you, for some this is mother for others this is father. Family support, heredity, ethnic traditions, loving care, developing self-sufficiency, and family influence. How you define your own life is a 4th house matter, your patterns of dependency, psychological makeup, inner personality, memories, sentimental feelings, and the basic fundamental you. Self-sufficiency, your ability to pay your daily expenses, accumulation, home, property, personal space, your work area, merchandising, sales, transactions are again all 4th house matters. The abundance of goods available, the market place, goods sold, and traded, what you hang on to from the past, your fondest memories, your attachment to people and objects, and how you protect these things. Any planets in a house strengthen or weaken it, making it more or less significant according to your birthday and your particular natal birth chart. The 4th house is the gateway to the 5th house and the 2nd Quadrant of experiences with other people. The 4th house is a resting spot when things have gotten to hectic or crazy. It's your warehouse of memories that are sometimes hard to shake.It's home and where you go to rest and reconnect and nest.
In the Natal Chart: Its cusp, the Northern end of the meridian that passes through the birthplace, (where you are born) is the degree of Integration. Although it is the weakest of the four Angles, it nevertheless exercises a decisive influence throughout the horoscope. It is the drain through which everything that is to be sloughed off, merges and passes away. Through it the ego becomes concrete, as the operational base of the physical entity, the seat of the desire-nature - the emotions and the passions. It is the home and all domestic affairs; the imaginative faculty; receptiveness, moods, the things and feelings yo collect, memories and recollections. It counsels you to remain or leave your birthplace, and the advantages consequences your will endure if you do so. Thus it defines the nature of one's residence, while the Ascendant indicates in what direction it should lie. It has been called the "grave or the burial because it is concerned with hidden things: private affairs, old age, the ultimate end and aim of terrestrial existence. Considered in connection with the Ascendant, it affords an insight into the nature of the native's early life, his childhood upbringing, the character of his home environment; his domestic concerns throughout life, and their conspicuousness or obscurity; the nature of the termination of every earthly concern: the last illness and demise, the ultimate disposition of the body, the nature of the burial, and the general location of the grave. It summarizes matters relating to lands, houses, estates, cities, mines, concealed treasures, intimate concerns, curious personal secrets, things accumulated and stored up, leases, rentals, real estate transactions, and similar matters. In the Figure of a woman it generally characterizes the first child, and a heavily tenanted 4th house is often an indication that he will pursue a scientific career. The 4th house produces changes of environment within the disposition of the native, wherein he can alter or upset his home conditions and those who are intimately related to him. Only through this house can he build his reputation and lay the foundation of a successful career, to find expression later through the 10th house. While one cannot directly control his fortunes insofar as they depend upon the good will of others, by laying a proper 4th house foundation in obscure beginnings, he can build toward a secure end. To it is commonly assigned the native's father, his life, disposition and fortunes; and from it are derived inferences relative to cousins on the mother's side. Which parent to assign to the 10th house, its Ruler, and the planets therein, is, however, a moot question: and divergent opinions variously assign, the mother to the 10th house in a day-birth, the 4th house in a night-birth. The father represented by the opposite ends of the meridian; to the 10th house the parent of the same sex as the native, and to the 4th house to the parent of the opposite sex; to the 10th house the father in a female, and the mother in a male birth chart; on the basis that Cancer represents the womb, and childbirth. In vedic Astrology the 4thhouse is the mother, and to the 10th house is the father since Capricorn indicates conservatism, responsibility, discipline, repression and firmness; while yet other authorities contend that the determination of the astrological house selected as the parent's signification is dependent upon which parent has most authority over the native.
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