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The 2nd House

1st House    3rd House

The 2nd house of money and assets is ruled by Venus and the sign of Taurus. It's not simply a money house but, it's what you value and some people do not value money but, spirituality. It's where you must find that balance within yourself. It's personal yet psychological worth. So, it's not just tangible assets but, also how you feel about those assets. The 2nd house rules ownership, possessiveness, possessions, your attitudes about money, lending and borrowing, how you feel about personal possessions. How attached you are to personal possessions. If your possessions are going to increase or decrease, it's indicated here in the 2nd house.  It's a comfort house. What makes you feel comfortable, and relaxed. This house describes what you receive from this world for what you give, How you are paid for your services. It's not just money and the finer things in life, but, your attitude towards them. Any planets in a house strengthen or weaken it. Making it more or less significant according to your birthday and your particular natal birth chart.

In the Natal Chart: Repository of the native's strongest desires, it determines the quality of the life-substance used by the Ego - that which the Life is dedicated to redeem; the heredity and social background with which the native is equipped for the pursuit of his destiny, and the bodily chemistry of metabolism; secret thoughts and desires; financial standing, money, moveable property and possessions, the gain or loss and the income derived there from; earning and spending capacities, personal debts; the manner in which he meets his obligations.

In Mundane Astrology: The nation's wealth; taxation revenue, stocks, bonds, shares, and all places and activities connected in any way with money, such as banks, stock exchanges, trade and commerce; the national exports; taxing power, as distinct from the manner in which the taxes affect the people; the purchasing power of the nation, its national expenditures and receipts, currency and its circulation and liquid assets; hence the wealth and prosperity of the people as measured by their collective earning and buying power; investors and their investments, and those who buy stocks and bonds for investment rather than for speculation. In a National Figure: the Treasury. In an Organization: its liquid assets and voluntary expenditures; the ability of the Company to earn profits; its disposition toward investments.

Houses, Reciprocal or Opposite Second and Eighth. Whereas the Second house is productive of effects upon the native's individual earning capacity as a direct result of his own acts or inertia, Eighth House effects, as concerning his material position, take cognizance of the fact that his ultimate return depends in large measure upon the extent to which others trade or cooperate with him, or are friendly disposed toward him. Thus, although his earning capacity may be exercised through the Second House by means of work and related activities under his own control which leave him free to choose whether he will work or not and to what extent, the ultimate net amount of his income and the extent of his fortunes do not rest wholly within his own control but arc distinctly due to outside forces. In the sense in which the Second House registers assets, the Eighth House is more directly concerned with liabilities.

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