Venus is the 2nd closest planet to the Sun and is located between Earth and Mercury and the 2nd brightest star in our solar system next to the Moon. Venus is called the Morning star for about half the year and the Evening star for the other half, and is visible from Earth. Venus has gassy clouds that surround her. Venus' cycles are very important to us because of the planet's closeness to the Earth and her proximity to the Sun.She is Earth's sister planet with an elaborate cycle. After 8 years,Venus will return to the same place in the sky on the same date. This is the famous Venus cycle, or the pentagram of Venus. The orbit of Venus over 8 years forms a Pentagram. Every 40 years venus completes her pentagram. If you're 40 years old this would be an important transit. Venus rules, women, sisters, the feminine counterpart to any relationships. marriage, or delays in marriage, partnerships, getting long with others, manners or the lack of manners, finances, wealth, money and luxuries.
Venus Retrograde
Venus retrograde adversely affects the economy, markets, finances, romance, partnerships, self-worth, beauty, net-worth, and marriages. Venus retrogrades every 584 days. Whole books are written about Venus or other planets, explaining the specific references, meanings, and transits. As Venus aspects, your personal planet especially the outer planets like Uranus, Neptune and Pluto major changes occur and cycles in your life are engage.. Of course, Venus has a specific orbit that looks like a five-point pentagram, making Venus special.
But Venus retrograde is even more special. So too are the days when she re-appears as a Morning star is special and the days when she is out of view are special. She is Earth's sister planet, after all. For 40 days, every 584 days or 20 months, Venus is retrograde. The number 40 is very significant. It's biblical, ancient, and karmic. How many times have you read or heard of 40 days and 40 nights? It's a spiritual cycle connected to lent when fasting and seclusion brings you closer to God and even true love. This is a time when all things Venus come under review. At 40 years old you would have completed a complete pentagram cycle of Venus! Venus completes a pentagram every 40 years. You'll decide what makes you happy. Where is the planet Venus in your chart. This area of your chart will now come under review. Retrograde periods go over the same part of the zodiac three times. That means that those degrees are significant. The planet goes forward, backward, and then forward again. When Venus is retrograde, she no longer is herself and emits her violet hue on the Earth. It's called Red Shift. Venus retrograde gives off a different color in the heavens and acts contrary to her normal behavior. Venus becomes more Mars-like. Click on the hyperlinks to order your planetary reports.
The Transit of Venus and it's rare conjunctions of the Sun have been for a long time harbingers of many unusual cycles. When Venus forms superior conjunctions to the Sun, what inevitabilities will it bring? Although we like to think of Venus as the planet of love and harmony, her transits and conjunctions to the Sun have predicted many significant events, even war.
It's the Mayan Astrologers who understood the planet Venus best. They passed down their knowledge of Venus as a Morning star, and Venus as an Evening star and the 9-12 days in between when Venus disappeared from view. In their observations Venus as evening star was benevolent and loving, while Venus as morning star stood up for her rights and became war like. What was Venus doing when you were born. Order your natal Venus Report or Call me for information about your natal Venus the ruler of love and marriage. Was Venus a Morning star, an Evening star, was she out of bounds, or retrograde when you were born?
Venus is traditionally associated with love, beauty, marriage, harmony, wealth and luxury. It might be seen as an extraordinary piece of cosmic synchronicity, that every eight years Venus returns to an almost exact position in the sky that it was eight years previously, having performed the pattern of a 5-petalled rose or pentagram, in its apparent orbit when viewed from the Earth's geocentric position. Venus traces a pentagon shape in the sky over ten meetings with the Sun. Five of those conjunctions occur at Venus's nearest approach to the Earth, it's Perigee, when the Venus kisses the Earth to form another petal of the rose. Venus is the only planet that rotates on its axis, but each time this 'kiss' happens, Venus presents the same face to the Earth. What is created is a beautiful Mandela, a protective pentagon.
Venus, the 2nd closest planet to Earth and lies between us and the Sun. The transits of Venus have since the time of antiquity been used to predict major events. There are many rare Venus cycles. We typically like to think of Venus as ruling love, marriage and luxuries to name a few, however, Venus has a gravitational pull on our planet that can cause cataclysmic events.
Venus alternates appearances above the horizon as the morning star for 260 days (close to the number of days of human gestation). Followed by a period of disappearance, followed again by it's appearance as the Evening Star.
The planet Venus when observed has a bobbing motion, that consists of a series of intricate dance steps that trace complex star figures.Each star is completed in 9 months an 17 days. Every 8 years Venus moves through 5 complete star figures and comes around to conjoin the Sun in the same part of the zodiac.
Venus is the planet of love and beauty. It rules marriage, love, harmony and beauty, spouses and domestic bliss. In a man's chart it represents his wife and in a woman's chart it rules her sister, wealth and marriage. Venus indicates wealth and happiness in general. Venus is fond of music, good manners, jewelry, beauty, cars and all forms of luxury goods.
If your Venus is well aspected you will lead a life of luxury, be sweet, charming and highly attracted to the opposite sex.
If your Venus is not aspected well you will be very undependable a notorious flirt, jealous, materialistic, lustful, and keep the company of mean, cold and sinful people.
It could delay or deny marriage. of course a complete analyses of your chart would be needed for that prediction.
Venus through the Signs
Venus in Aries (Detriment): in it's detriment, Venus in it's detriment means that Venus is just learning and could make mistakes in love, passion and indulgences. Venus is considered in her Detriment in Aries because in Aries Venus is opposing the sign she rules Libra. Mistakes need to be corrected in order to be happy. Fond of travel, artistic endeavors, such as sculpting, painting, poetry, theatre, and gentle sports, Wouldn't be caught died without a membership to a swanky sports club. Here venus is ardent, passionate,generous, and demonstrates their love and affection openly and willingly. Popularity comes easily and Venus in Aries has many friends. This placement can indicate an early or hasty marriage. There is always a push pull affect with relationships. They are passionate about new relationships then as time goes on can question the worthiness of the relationship. Venus in Aries is typically driven, aggressive, passionate, and pursues the object of its desires unabashedly, not diplomatically.
Venus in Taurus (Rulership): Faithful and deep feelings describe this placement of Venus. They will adhere to the proper form, customs and traditions in connections to pleasure, friends, and socializing. Taurus being a fixed sign, gives Venus the stability and tenaciousness not found in other signs. This placement as it naturally has an affinity for the 2nd house, favors the acquisition of money, possessions, and success. marriage can be delayed because in the sign of Taurus it takes it's time to make decisions. Venus loves luxuries: soft blankets, slippers, well-worn shoes, and good food. It’s about your possessions, things you love, character, morals, and traditional views. In Taurus, Venus doesn't want to make mistakes in love, so she takes the time to commit to it.
Venus in Gemini: Here in the 3rd house Venus of course loves to travel and may benefit from travel, communications, even computers. Because of the dual nature Venus gains financially not from one source of income, but depending on her placement and aspects many. At least two sources of financially gain are possible here. Gemini being a mutable sign, this placement of Venus can lead to inconsistencies in love, excessive flirting, and the person may find themselves involved in several love affairs simultaneously. Venus is the planet of love, your capacity to love, money, wealth, beauty, the wife in a masculine chart, sisters, partnerships, and marriage. Venus in Gemini typically means two romantic relationships, prospects, and younger lovers. We think of the blonde bomb shell or flighty lovers with Venus in Gemini. We like new things and want to go to new places, too.
Venus in Cancer: A domestic inclination will be present with this placement as well as an attachment to the mother, or homeland. The nature is kind, loving, nurturing, and responsive. Here venus can also be perceived as moody, because any planet in Cancer is ruled by the ever changing Moon. marriage and relationships may not go as planned if parents, money or occupation gets in the way. There are tremendous mystical interests here as well as gains from property, family, legacies, and things to do with the water. Venus, in Cancer wants to be close to family, her lover, and at her worst clingy and a nag.
Venus in Leo: generous, free spirited, kind and sympathetic. Greatly fond of and desirous of the opposite sex. Social, loves to entertain, and be amongst friends. There could be a great talent for something along artistic lines such as singing, theatre, acting, and music. Gains through love, inheritance possible, speculation and stock market, price of gold, and attracted to occupations connected with pleasure. There's a star quality here that makes the Venus in Leo person a stand out. Venus wants to be gorgeous and sexy and wants lots of attention. Think big hair, lots of makeup, bikinis, and beautiful clothes.
Venus in Virgo (Fall): Here Venus is in her Fall. A planet in it;s fall means the planet is weak and requires more experience in these matters. Venus is in her Fall because in Virgo she is opposite the sign of her Exaltation. This planetary placement is quiet and has a deep felt sympathy for the underdog that is hard to express. The love life develops slowly with many disappointments and delays. Unions of love are possible with someone in the medical field or employees, even someone beneath them socially or economically, with a health care provider or someone who is sick or invalid. Venus in Virgo excels in the medical field or healing professions and gains through the employees or hard work. Work in the field medicine, food, farming and the Earth are indicated. Secret romances and attractions to more than one person at a time are also possible. The planet of love and beauty gets quite picky and rational in Virgo. But the rationale is the opposite of falling in love. Falling in love requires being vulnerable and letting yourself go. Venus in Virgo is far too critical of Cupids and his random flinging of arrows! Venus in Virgo classifies information, putting things in fastidious boxes where they belong. She shops around for the perfect outfit, fit, and price but never finds what she wants. Venus refines, and Virgo fixes imperfections. She is the beautiful rose with thorns. Venus in Virgo (Fall) must be of selfless service to others and not just be helpful without showing emotions. There’s lots of pressure to make this placement perfect.
Venus in Libra (Rulership): Venus is at home in the sign of Libra as it rules Libra. Kind, polite, sympathetic, refined tastes, affectionate, and truly a loveable nature. This placements gives a love of the arts, and music, even design. A happy union, and marriage and children are indicated with this placement. Prefers people of good social standing, and can sometimes be accused of snobbery
Venus in Scorpio (Detriment): Venus is in her detriment in Scorpio. Venus is considered in here detriment in Scorpio because she is opposite the sign she rules, Taurus. Here Venus can be lavish and free spending and even generous. Money can be earned or gained by partnerships or through sales commissions. Through those elements ruled by water , such as catering to the public, dealing with the dead, gifts, inheritances, and marriage. Venus is passionate here and the emotions are ardent and sensual. A love of luxury, and pleasure. Some difficulties with relationships due to jealousy, death or loss of courtship.
Venus in Sagittarius: A delightful placement for Venus as it refines the nature of the individual. Highly intuitive, prophetic, generous, with loyal intentions, fond of beauty, arts and traveling. A love of literary work is found here too. Two sources of income are indicated with this placement, through those things ruled by Sagittarius, horses, law, government, shipping, traveling, foreign affairs, and possibly sports. Venus in friendly Sagittarius, likes her freedom and will give their mate or partner lots of freedom too. Venus in Sagittarius wants to have fun, work independently, and keep her schedule open.
Venus in Capricorn:This placement of Venus puts the person at a high level of trust early on in life. It gives the person favor from employers, those in a position of power and authority, elders, and superiors. The person is very proficient at business and thrives in the professional world. There is an innate ambitious character here that is not found in the other placements of Venus. Venus in Capricorn inclines towards an older, more well-established marriage partner. Capricorn is the sign that rules your ambitions, reaching a high position of trust and authority. You can quickly get or seek the favor of authority figures, like people who can open doors for you, your boss, older women, teachers, or parents. This position of Venus favors the female executive, women in power, high-ranking individuals, social standing, and swanky parties and entertainment. Marriage, engagements, and new relationships are for convenience and social climbing. It could delay or deny marriage, but the birth chart would have to be analyzed first. Venus is well situated in Capricorn. She has old-fashioned values and is loyal. She is the wife or sister in the birth chart. Capricorn Venus can trade sentimental feelings for money, position, or personal gain. One may marry up or delay marriage because of career or professional pursuits. One may need to surround oneself with valuables to prove worth, marry for money, and hold old-fashioned values when it suits them. This position of Venus can be inhibited, uptight, and coarse—the Rose with the thorns.
Venus in Aquarius: A great fondness for travel, excitement, friends, and pleasure. The person in typical Aquarian style is friendly, well liked and popular. Friends are not judged according to social standing or wealth as the person is truly a humanitarian in every sense. here Venus reserves her opinions and judgments and is fair. Gain through corporations, business and partnerships. Venus in Aquarius brings universal popularity and reaches a worldwide audience. Here, you are attracted to people who are famous or popular, and you might feel like you know someone popular or famous and be a true fan or follower, or maybe you are super popular and have fans and followers. Maybe you can tap into your own Superstardom now. Venus is impersonal but friendly, aware of her popularity and universal appeal in Aquarius. People with Venus in Aquarius are effervescent and have flashes of light in their eyes.
Venus in Pisces (Exaltation): Here venus is in her exaltation. Venus here is philanthropic, charitable, warm, giving, moved to be very sympathetic, and understanding. Wants to remove all the suffering of the world, and to assist the weak and injured. A real love of beauty, poetry, music, painting and fine arts. Money comes through friends, charities, and gifts. Venus in Pisces or with this placement can be careless and fickle in matters of love so more than one marriage is possible. Flirtations are possible and perhaps Venus here looses track of her commitments and finds love fascinating and colorful with everyone.
Venus Aspects
Venus trine Neptune: brings a a highly creative nature inclined to romanticize the love life. Musical abilities are heightened along with artistic abilities. One can be mystical and get involved with unusual romances or meet a romantic partner under strange circumstances.
Venus opposite PLuto: intense romantic and sexual relationships are possible. undesirable romantic and financial associations are possible. Prostitution, or using sexuality to earn money or benefits. This aspect brings problems in marriage, divorce or break ups. Power struggles are possible in love.
Get a complete analysis of your Natal Venus in my Venus Report or by me! Only an astrologer can put it all together for you! Cycles by Terry Nazon. Did you know that certain transits influence both love and money for up to a month and in a very specific way? Venus is the ruler of both marriage and immense wealth, while Uranus rules the speeding up or ending of things. Your romantic life, personal relationships, and finances are influenced by these certain long-term cycles in addition to your planetary transits. It's very important if you're looking for love, peace in your relationships, if you're an investor in the stock market, play the lottery, or you love to gamble at the casinos. You need to know when you peak or when you're bottoming out. In addition, knowing how long these cycles last and what the influence looks like is very important. What are your Venus-Uranus cycles? How long do they last? What are your best time, your peaks, and when are your worst times or weakest times? This report covers one year ©
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