The 8th House
The 8th house is ruled by the planet Pluto and has its influence over the sign of Scorpio. We normally think of the sign of Scorpio, the planet Pluto and the 8th house as the sexual house where intimacy lives, but 8th house is one of the four "difficult" houses in astrology. It rules crises, things you face alone, like a toothache or surgery, and a house that changes and transforms you. But so many more things require you to get naked or bare your soul, either with another or yourself. Money is intimate; no one likes anyone else to get too nosey about their money, taxes, or what they have tucked away for a rainy day. Although it is a very intimate house where we can merge part of our being with another or keep it separate, it also has several other meanings and connotations. It is the house of deep motivations, where we desire to control our world, circumstances, situations, and even another being. Mutual sharing and trust are 8th house matters. It's where things reach a crisis and have to be dealt with. There is always an exchange in the 8th house. Our feelings for support. Everything comes at a price where the 8th house is concerned.
You won't get anything for free here. The 8th house is all about reciprocating one thing for another. You get one thing, but you have to give up another. It's a magical house in that one thing becomes another, like death. When something or someone, maybe your pet, dies, their body is no longer and slowly returns to its source, but some part of it never really goes away, and that's called the heat of the bones. It transforms, having fulfilled its purpose here on Earth. But that's not the end because energy changes. Maybe it's not the same person or pet you knew because now the heaviness of Earth isn't holding or weighing them down. They'll live again, be reborn, and transform.
The 8th house is where we are inclined to cut off others completely from our lives. We blank them; we give them "the look." We don't speak to them; we try to control another by manipulation. It's the house of dire consequences and retaliation. It is where we will attempt to control others. It's garbage, things we want to eliminate and purge, that makes us sick and repulsed. Cruelty is also an 8th house matter. Bankruptcy, inheritances, wills, insurance and insurance claims, and corruption are all 8th house issues.
In the Natal Chart: Release from personal limitations through human interchange; the Realm of Birth and Rebirth; of evolution through the suffering incident to all human experience; regeneration through enlargement of viewpoint, both spiritual and mental; and the subjugation of the personal Self -- a difficult process since so few realize the horror of its impact upon the mind and consciousness. It has to do with effects of an involuntary nature, such as the healing crisis preceding either recovery or dissolution in death; the manner of death; fateful losses which lead to regeneration through certain enforced changes; the transmutation of emotional stress into spiritual power; wills, legacies, trust funds, insurance; the estate of the marital or business partner; money belonging to other people, especially the deceased, in so far as it applies to the native; hence, in general, the financial relationship of the world to him, and his responsibilities in connection in addition to that. However, its consideration of these things is largely as liabilities rather than as assets. Any planets in a house strengthen or weaken it. It is more or less significant according to your birthday and particular natal birth chart.
It has been called the Occult House, the house of hidden things, because in most 8th house experiences, the Law of Cause and Effect is difficult to identify, and there is the common human temptation to blame everything on everyone else. It is also known as the House of Death and Rebirth because it represents the refiner's fire wherein through suffering, the selfish desires that go unnoticed in ourselves are burned away, setting free the pure gold self. Once you get through an 8th house experience you received, wonder if you could have made it easier. Like divorce, it's never easy, no matter how much you want it. In the wake of an 8th house crisis, there is always a rainbow at the end of the experience.
As the Second from the 7th house, it represents your partner's income or financial condition.
In Mundane Astrology: T public income; the income from exports; earning power of the nation, chiefly from the standpoint of the man who pays; frozen assets in properties, stocks, and bonds as distinct from currency; the monetary standard, the National debt, and interest rates; public sales; financial organizations, such as trust and insurance companies. The birth and mortality rate in different class groups, as determined by the planet involved, and its relation to the 5th house, medical discovery, insofar as it promotes longevity.
In relationships, it's jealousy, relationships with married people, cheating or intense, passionate affairs, and coveting.
In an Organization: Losses and gains through or on account of attrition, death, or in connection with the estates of deceased persons; financial conditions involved in partnerships, mergers, or lawsuits; financial relations with competitors and their financial condition; revenue from investments, or through liquidation of frozen assets; bankruptcy, loans, and income from sources not under the immediate control of the Organization; the company treasurer, as distinguished from the Treasury.
Houses, Reciprocal or Opposite
Second and Eighth. Whereas the Second House is productive of effects upon the native's individual earning capacity as a direct result of his own acts or inertia, Eighth House effects, as concerning his material position, take cognizance of the fact that his ultimate return depends in large measure upon the extent to which others trade or cooperate with him, or are friendly disposed toward him. Thus, although his earning capacity may be exercised through the Second House by means of work and related activities under his own control which leave him free to choose whether he will work or not and to what extent, the ultimate net amount of his income and the extent of his fortunes do not rest wholly within his own control but arc distinctly due to outside forces. In the sense in which the Second House registers assets, the Eighth House is more directly concerned with liabilities.
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