The Lunar North and South Nodes
The North and South Lunar Nodes are calculated by the plane of the lunar orbit around the Earth's orbit. The Nodes are the synthesis between our earth centered ego, our self will and the cosmic will. This represents what you must accomplish in this lifetime, and what you came into the world to balance. It is always easier for us at our South Node point because this represents what we know, what is comfortable, where our cup runeth over and where we retreat when things go a wry in our lives. As long as we have perfected the South Node growth we can draw upon it's resources. When we are immature or haven't perfected our South Node area it can be the area of our lives that still causes problems. Some say the South Node is your good angel.
We live in an intelligent reality, that fashions itself after our own actions and thoughts. It’s called karma.
The meaning of the word Karma means action or deed. It is the effect of our individual actions from past lives into present lives and even future lives. It is seen as a force of determination, like fate or destiny.
We create our own realities, our own circumstances, and environment. These things are all created by our actions. Making us universal creators, partners with the universe, in the very act of creation. If we can create our circumstances, environment, and events, through our actions, then the universe creates itself by its intentions too; self creation in a self creating existence. Even the forces of nature, like time or gravity, which appear beyond our control, are manifestations of an intelligent reality in which we are active participants.
We are partners then with the planets and in the coming years as they fall into aspect with each other, we are called upon to interact with that intelligent reality. As Saturn opposes Uranus we are called to interact, certain ones of us. What have your actions been up until now? What will be your role in creation with this intelligent reality?
We are always asking “why am I here?” What is my purpose on Earth?” I think we are stunned that we are here back on Earth, and that’s why we keep asking ourselves and people around us that! You are here to realize that you are here to perfect your imperfections. You are here to get to the place in your mind where you realize that you are a part of a creative universe, and in part you should be a good citizen of this universe and submit yourself to the greater creative consciousness. You are here to sacrifice your ego to the greater process.
Although you may think you are here for other things like conquering the opposite sex, seducing them, intriguing them with your words, life accomplishments and charm. The reality is you are not here for that at all.
The North Node is harder and we struggle with the North Node, it's where our new growth must occur. When you were young you probably were shy or withdrawn at the North Node. As you mature and get older it is the South Node that seems to be constantly fluctuating and in danger of being destroyed. This is what has given the South Node definition of "bad Karma". The axis line between the North and South Node shows us our destiny. While we don't always find complete perfection at the South Node, and there still could be unfinished South Node karma, we all can find perfection at our South Node. It's where we can give of ourselves to others, teach, and be an instrument of the cosmic will. the North Node is where our cup is still half empty, and the South can be where our cup spills over. We need to be striving to keep both balanced then, life here on Earth is truly good. Some say the North Node is the devil
Currently the North and South Nodes are Aquarius and Leo, with the South Node in Leo retracing in Saturn's footsteps. In some cases the South Node will bring back what you thought was lost. In other cases just a better understanding of what transpired. In the sign of Leo Saturn was hesitant to take risks. Even romantic risks were under the cautious eyes of Saturn's. Now the South Node suggests that the karma has been paid, the scales balanced and love won't look like such a risky proposition after all!
Still Updating...
Aries (or the 1st house)
Taurus (or the 2nd house)
Gemini (or the 3rd house)
Cancer (or 4th house)
Leo (or the 5th house)
Virgo (or the 6th house)
Libra (or the 7th house)
Scorpio (or the 8th house)
Sagittarius (or 9th house)
Capricorn (or the 10th house)
Aquarius (or the 11th house)
Pisces (or the 12th house)
North Node
Aries (or the 1st house)
Taurus (or the 2nd house)
Gemini (or the 3rd house)
Cancer (or 4th house)
Leo (or the 5th house)
Virgo (or the 6th house)
Libra (or the 7th house)
Scorpio (or the 8th house)
Sagittarius (or 9th house)
Capricorn (or the 10th house)
Aquarius (or the 11th house)
Pisces (or the 12th house)