Jupiter is called the greater benefic or the greater fortune. The largest planet in our universe, Jupiter is the ruler of the sign of Sagittarius and the ancient ruler of the sign of Pisces. In your birth chart it is where you tend to be positive, think big and have sustained optimism. In a birth chart Jupiter brings a love of honesty, good judgment, respect for others especially those in the priesthood or religious figures, generosity, hits the mark, a love of education, travel, learning, the out of doors, frankness and publishing. It's where you expect things to always work out. A poorly aspected Jupiter leads one to plagiarism, bad judgment and nervousness or hysteria. Order your personal Jupiter Report here. Jupiter rules foreign countries, foreigners, legalities, long-distance and foreign travel, adventures, education, learning, over-the-top actions, too much of anything, and exaggeration. We are already seeing a huge movement of foreigners at our borders! As the ruler of the 9th house, Jupiter is the 12th house location to the 10th house of career, fame, fortune, success, and making a name for yourself and your professional life. As the ruler of the 9th house, it squares the 6th house of employment, boredom, and your day-to-day routine. So Jupiter Jupiter makes you want to break from your routine and learn new things that you might use in the future, in a career or professional environment, and that you might have some interest or hidden talent in.
Jupiter in Aries
Jupiter the planet of doing things in a big way in Aries the sign that leaps and jumps into things with care or thinking about consequences. In the sign of fresh starts and new beginnings, taking the initiative and independence. Leaving the fuzzy sign of Pisces in the rear view mirror the sign of Aries is a fiery cardinal sign that Jupiter finds a good home in.It's a time of spiritual renewal when the Sun rises. Jupiter in Aries suggests having many things to do at once, jumping into things, increased independence, and excitement or physical activities.It can even denote two occupations. Energy is high with Jupiter in Aries. Anger and violence can be too. Jupiter in Aries favors strong personalities and a positive self image and confidence. In Aries, Jupiter express good fortune through new beginnings and taking the initiative.
Jupiter in Taurus
Jupiter in Taurus brings financial good fortune, gifts, a generous spirit, optimism in business and towards money. Money for education, legal representation, and travel becomes available for many. Fortunate business opportunities and opportunities to share blessing with others is abundant .Avoid squandering money and your blessings. The sign of Taurus is productive and where you produce things, usually money. There's is more tolerance for others opinions. The sense of touch is accentuated,Soft fabrics, well worn slippers, comfy blankets and nature are appreciated. It's not just about money but also about what feels good, tastes good and is good. Taking time to smell the roses seems acceptable and taking care of the earth and nature benefits.
Jupiter in Gemini (Detriment)
Jupiter is considered in it's detriment in Gemini because it's in the sign that's opposite the sign it rules, Sagittarius The expansive nature of Jupiter through the curious sign of Gemini improves learning, skills, and communications expands any sign it's transiting in and in Gemini can lead to lots thinking, insomnia, nervous energy, quick movements, changeable actions starts and stops. Large scale stories, books, scripts and screenplays can be written. Gemini is the sign of communications and Jupiter rules truth and honesty. People tend to interrupt, change topics and maybe tell tale tales. Travel is done in short spurts as the attention span is not great now. We see progress in travel, and interest in road trips, cars and smart phones.
Jupiter in Cancer (Exaltation)
Jupiter is in his Exaltation in cancer and this placement favors gain throguh realestate, things related to mothers or women, understanding trends and what the public wants. The intuition is strong and there's a caring nature. Housing increases and people or the public in general are fed and eat well. There could be an abundance of food resources if the planets agree. There's a tendency to be at home when traveling or want to live to places one travels to. This is a very good placement for wealth.
Jupiter in Leo
When the great benefic Jupiter enters the most generous sign Leo, big things happen. People become more generous magnanimous, loyal and confident. There can be the birth of more children, and the romantic nature becomes ardent and passionate. Love is a Cinderella story and memories are made. People gain through good investments, government, and speculation. There's an interest in sports and and education.
Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter is in his detriment in Virgo, because Virgo is opposite the sign of Pisces, which the planet Jupiter co-rules. Jupiter in Virgo is all about getting organized, being exact, specific, focusing on the small things and the details. Jupiter in Virgo is caught up in details, accounting, being accountable, and it’s hard to see the larger picture. With Jupiter in Virgo, issues with health matters, the internet, data, healing, medical care, hygiene, the workplace, worker rights, human servitude, animal’s rights, resolving conflicts, and your daily routine get disrupted or become necessary. Jupiter in Virgo is helpful to others, but has to balance that helpfulness with their own needs, because no one wants to feel used. We can see or experience more stealing and thievery. There could even a big heist or two in the year that Jupiter is in the sign of Virgo. You'll want to check your natal birth chart for planets, asteroids and house cusps in the sign of Virgo to see where you will expand, grow and experience Jupiter’s energy.
Jupiter in Libra
The planet Jupiter the benefic of the zodiac, rules the sign of Sagittarius, and is considered to be a co-ruler of the sign of Pisces. It rules luck and good fortune. It's nature is expansive, generous and jovial. Religion, higher education, dreams about the future, and opportunities are all ruled by Jupiter .Jupiter transiting the sign of Libra will bring all of those qualities to the sign of Libra. Libra, which rules the 7th house is concerned with relationships, marriage, balancing karma, fairness, and agreements of all kinds. During Jupiter's transit of Libra there will be many opportunities for relationships of the romantic nature. This transit will be remembered for bringing soul mates together, marriages and the strong desire to pair up. Jupiter in Libra is a very social time, filled with dating possibilities and chances to go to parties and high end events. There's a double beneficial influence as Jupiter is now in the domain of Venus. Art, fashion, beauty trends and creativity are strong. There's an overall tendency to benefit through others, marriage and partnerships.
Jupiter in Scorpio
The great benefic planet of the zodiac, Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius, and is considered to be a co-ruler of the sign of Pisces. It rules luck and good fortune. It's nature is expansive, generous and jovial. Religion, higher education, dreams about the future, and opportunities are all ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter transiting the sign of Scorpio will bring all of those qualities of the planet Jupiter to the sign of Scorpio. Normally jupiter is dogmatic in it's outlooks on education, religion, politics and philosophies. In the sign of tantalizing Scorpio however, we may find excesses in every facet of what the sign of Scorpio embodies. Jupiter is fascinated with the impenetrable sign of Scorpio. The qualities of the planet Jupiter, luck, optimism, happiness, expansiveness, religion, dogmatic views, learning, understanding, government will now be seen through the filter of the sign of Scorpio. This is a very important transit of the planet Jupiter because it represents it's last and final transit around the zodiac before it enters it's own sign of Sagittarius on November 24, 2006. Jupiter takes 12 years to traverse the entire zodiac. Scorpio is the 12th house to the natural placement of Jupiter, Sagittarius. Scorpio is the natural 8th house of the zodiac and rules such things as jealousy, joint finances, banks, credit, manipulation, retaliation, sex, intensity, and fixed determination. Light hearted, jovial, happy go lucky Jupiter may be a little uneasy in this sign. Jupiter may even be inhibited in the sign of Scorpio. The negative traits and yes there are negative traits to Jupiter as well, will be that there will be excessive over the top behavior where matters of the sign of Scorpio are concerned. Jupiter rules the sign of Sagittarius, a fire sign, so in Scorpio a water sign the natural buoyancy and expansive behavior of Jupiter is squelched. The fire is put out. Jupiter is Fire, Scorpio is water when the expansive planet of Jupiter meets water we get all kinds of natural occurrences with water, flooding, excessive rains, drowning's. Fire meeting water can produce steam.
Jupiter in Sagittarius (Rulership)
The great benefic planet of the zodiac Jupiter, rules the sign of Sagittarius, and is considered to be a co-ruler of the sign of Pisces. It's transit lasts about 1 year and it takes Jupiter about 12 years to transit through the entire zodiac. Jupiter conjoining it's natal position in your chart is called a Jupiter return and that indicates a cycle of expansion is completed and beginning again. Look back to Dec. 9 1994 through Jan. 3, 1996. Where were you and what was happening in your life, it's likely to happen again. It rules luck and good fortune. It's nature is positive, expansive, generous and jovial. Religion, our duties and obligations, higher education, dreams about the future, premonitions and opportunities are all ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter transiting the sign of Sagittarius will bring all of those qualities of the planet Jupiter to the sign of Scorpio. The qualities of the planet Jupiter, luck, optimism, happiness, expansiveness, religion, dogmatic views, learning, understanding, government will now be seen through the filter of the sign of Sagittarius.
Jupiter in Capricorn (Fall)
Jupiter's transit through the sign of Capricorn is going to be one full of strength and power. Why because it will be joined by Pluto. Jupiter in Capricorn will usher in a more serious year. Jupiter in Capricorn is in the 2nd house of the natural or "home " of Jupiter which is Sagittarius. We will work hard and play hard! there will be an increase in ambitions, status, popularity, power, and esteem. Capricorn rules the 10th house and as such power, status and social climbing are very important. Here Jupiter in Capricorn is in a cardinal signs. Remember Cardinal likes to start things, lead and make decisions. The ability to see things through will be very evident with Jupiter in Capricorn, as one of the traits of Capricorn is persistence. There will be an eye towards practicality, earthiness, and advancements in science, and spiritual knowledge. Capricorn is the sign of the mystic and it's glyph is the sea goat! Foreign commerce will increase and there will be all sorts of benefits from doing business with foreign countries. Jupiter rules foreign countries and in Capricorn the 2nd house which rules money and assets there will be increases in things having to do with Jupiter but in a financial sort of a way. There will be an increase in morality after the free times of Jupiter in Sagittarius we could use that. People esp[decimally those in positions of power, or religious people will be held accountable for their morality which we will now expect to be above reproach! If not Jupiter here can indicate downfalls, a fall from grace and discredits!
The great benefic planet of the zodiac Jupiter, rules the sign of Sagittarius, and is considered to be a co-ruler of the sign of Pisces. It's transit lasts about 1 year and it takes Jupiter about 12 years to transit through the entire zodiac. Jupiter conjoining it's natal position in your chart is called a Jupiter return and that indicates a cycle of expansion is completed and beginning again. Look back to 1984 and 1996, as these were the last years that Jupiter transited through Capricorn. Where were you and what was happening in your life, it's likely to happen again. Jupiter rules luck and good fortune. It's nature is positive, expansive, generous and jovial. Religion, our duties and obligations, higher education, dreams about the future, premonitions and opportunities are all ruled by Jupiter.
How does Jupiter in Capricorn Impact your Sun Sign?
Aries: In your solar 10th house of status and career you get the recognition you desire but at what personal cost?
Taurus: In your solar 9th house of education, legalities and travel you could decide to get into a fast track MBA program that goes fast and gets you ahead quickly!
Gemini: In your solar 8th house of joint assets your mate, or partner could come into a windfall. you benefit through others money!
Cancer: In your solar 7th house of relationships, popularity and marriage you are favored to find happiness in your dealings with others!
Leo: In your solar 6th house Leo could just land a cushy job and be bosses favorite. this gives you access to the powers that be!
Virgo: In your solar 5th house of love, romance, love and risk taking, all risks are calculated to your advantage. This goes for your love life too!
Libra: In your solar 4th house, which is a wealth building house opportunities to inherit money and to accumulate assets, will make you less dependent on others.
Scorpio: In your solar 3rd house of influencing others, and traveling you will not be a shy violet when it comes to selling yourself and your interests
Sagittarius: In your solar 2nd house of money, you are in a position to make the most money ever! Luxury goods and gifts will flow to you
Capricorn: In your solar 1st house of independence and leadership, Jupiter gives you even more perseverance and persistence, to get the job done.
Aquarius: In your solar 12th house of behind the scenes activities powerful forces can protect and guide you. Spiritual growth will come in leaps and bounds and spirit world loves you!
Pisces: In your solar 11th house, you may find your self more determined than ever to get the life of luxury that you've always imagined. You'll meet powerful celebrity types who can help you this year!
Jupiter in Aquarius
Jupiter in Aquarius represents universal values, broad-mindedness, religious tolerance, and a democratic way of thinking. People from all walks of life are universally accepted. Our differences become more of what makes life interesting than what divides us. We can all co-exist under the guidance of Jupiter in Aquarius. Universal brotherhood, friendships, and social reform grow under Jupiter in Aquarius. It’s a time for social reform and humanitarianism. Jupiter in Aquarius is anti-chauvinistic and an accurate representation of the Age of Aquarius.
How will Jupiter in Aquarius impact your Sun sign?
Aries: you reach a wider audience and have many opportunities to connect to VIPs, like-minded people, ex-lovers, and celebrities. It’s time to socialize, but on a broader scale. You now share common interests with genius types, VIPs, famous people, and artists. It’s an exclusive club. Gather with friends and acquaintances now. Do favors for others, and they’ll do favors for you.
Taurus: your career or profession requires group cooperation as you work on large scale projects or in a large organization. If you have your own business, it’s time to think big. You will be associated with VIPs, celebrities, and gifted people. Their gold dust and association with them rubs off on your reputation and social status.
Gemini: it’s a fun time to work with others on personal hopes, dreams, and large scale endeavors. Your mind is free; you are progressive and not held back by what you should do or how you should act. You join with and partner with like-minded people, and the fun times are limitless. Your world is open with travel opportunities, learning opportunities, and by someone special.
Cancer: you gain through inheritances, insurance, alimony, and other people’s money. Sales commissions, agents, and bonuses can also come your way. You might meet lovers who make an indelible impact on you and decide to merge with him or them. Avoid taking on financial responsibility for others as your gifts for changing people’s lives is fantastic. Once you fix someone, they may not need you anymore.
Leo: it’s all about marriage, partnerships, and love at first sight. However, the sign of Aquarius likes to be independent and free. You may also turn into the ultimate humanitarian and decide to change your image or how people see you. In love, you’re not so freewheeling, and there will be times you go too far needing to the exact whereabouts of your significant other
Virgo: finding the right job is essential, and an environment where you can work with friends or in-laws could be in your future. If everyone isn’t on board with your plans or projects, you too lose interest quickly. It would help if you had the support of friends and co-workers or cohorts to be successful.
Libra: at the heart of things, you are a one-woman man or one-person woman. You enjoy doing things with friends, studying unique and exotic subjects and your children reflect an original mix of intellectual and strange talents. Your children may not be physically robust but have strong wills. You could become an art collector.
Scorpio: you try to make your home as distinctive and different as possible. Your family life may also be unusual or different. Your home is a place where people congregate and meet. People prefer to come to your home to experience your distinctive flair.
Sagittarius: you can communicate in big over the top ways that ignite interest. You may experience flashes of intuition and genius ideas that seem to come from the universe. Unlike others, you can put your ideas to work in practical applications. You might have lots of projects in the works.
Capricorn: you earn your money and wealth in an unusual way or through your originality. Please don’t sell yourself short, charge as much as you want for your services, and you are apt to get it. As a true innovator, you earn the most through your genius and unusual ideas.
Aquarius: you are original, creative, and over the top. Way over the top. Jupiter makes you fun-loving, gregarious, a true friend, and fun to be around. While you don’t try to be the center of attention, you might grab the spotlight somehow. Stick to the right path and obey the law. A new cycle is here!
Pisces: avoid burdening others with your tales of woe; people tend to get exhausted by your need for sympathy, money, and emotional support. Take a broader view, serve humanity, give back to your community, and help others. This way, you tap into your deeper subconscious.
Jupiter in Pisces (Dignity)
Jupiter is a mutable planet in a mutable Sun sign Pisces The wonderful thing about Jupiter in Pisces is that it’s like two old friends meeting up or the reunion of a parent with his child. You see, the Planet Jupiter is Dignified in Pisces as he was the ancient ruler of the sign of Pisces before the discovery of the Pisces true planetary ruler Neptune, was officially discovered in 1846.
To this day, the sign of Pisces still has unusual luck or strange lucky twists of fate from his former ruler, Jupiter. The sign of Pisces is also home to a Royal Fixed star Fomalhaut. Fomalhaut is a lover of life, who is also called the Star of Alchemy and magic.
In Pisces, Jupiter is idealistic and self-sacrificing towards the weak or helpless, even when under severe criticism. We start to align with more spiritual, social, or artistic values, and ideas. Creativity finds its way into every facet of life. Intuition, imagination, and the development of a high consciousness increase under Jupiter in Pisces.
The fields of medicine and healing grow during Jupiter in Pisces. In general, all are less apt to sell their souls to the money gods. Higher aspirations take precedence. If Jupiter is afflicted in your chart there could be considerable losses from deception, con artists, self-deception, and bad judgment.
Where's my Luck? Jupiter not operating in your chart well?
We like to think of Jupiter as the great Santa Claus of the zodiac. nothing could be farther from the truth. In my extensive studies of astrology I've uncovered a few things about Jupiter you should be aware of.
If your natal Jupiter or transiting Jupiter is afflicted you might experience hair starts falling from the center of the head.
Gold gets lost, stolen, sold or
exchanged, pawned, or bartered for some other material. There can be a break in education without
any specific cause. You might hop around going to different churches , replacing your family priest or Guru. Rumors
spoiling your reputation may be spread.
Afflicted Jupiter causes the most failures and frustrations in the age span 36 to 42 years of age from all sides. there can be Urinary tract problems or pain or swelling of the intestines then Jupiter is malefic and the cause of Jupiter turning into malefic will be the planet Saturn. Apart from this, if the native makes his residence in a high story of a building in this age span of 36 to 42 and immediately after occupying it heart attack, accident happens to elder relatives and is himself compelled to sell some building this again indicates a malefic Jupiter. Because while residing in upper story; the air (significator of Jupiter) depreciates in quality. If the native continues to reside in such a residence, then such malefic Jupiter's effect on Saturn will be visible. And any building built on ground will not yield good results it may be sold to meet the expense of curing himself or any of his family members (especially elders)'s disease related with respiratory system. North Node will also contribute towards converting benefic tendencies of Jupiter into malefic.
Moisture creeps into walls of the house.
Habit of staying away from rain.
Disrespect towards holy persons.
Rumors spread against him or he is instrumental in spreading rumors
against others.
Habit of begging in the name of religion or spirituality or using spirituality, astrology and psychic readings to make extra money.
Keeping many unread books at home. Not learning
Habit of not sharing the books or hiding and concealing them.
Suffers from cold regularly.
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 1st house or Aries is malefic
might become habitual of wearing a mala of beads
might have insulted some one elderly, grand-father , father, a teacher
might have done some sacrilegious act against a temple
might not have treated a cow, wife, ladies and maid servant
might have accepted donation for his own self.
might have breathing problem, asthmatic indications
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 2nd house or Taurus is malefic
punished by the State
ruins his own family
causes pain to parents
wife generally ill
not good relations with in-laws
generally hates women
entire house paved, no bare patch
downfall after the wife's death
living with in-laws. Or in a house
facing south
generally insulted
looks upon father and gold as things to
be exploited or made use of
sister, daughter unhappy leading miserable life
unhappy with progeny
insults elders
betrays friends
after money even through immoral means
a religious place in disuse near the house
liar, one who boasts, coward
miserable condition
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 4th house or Cancer is malefic
spoils his chances himself
weak eye sight
lives like a beggar, although rich.
danger from the vehicles, or troubles from vehicles
less comfort from family
might have broken toys in the house.
disease of the lungs
unusually large stomach
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 5th house or Leo is malefic
Barrenness, might have daughters but not a son
no comfort from children
Struggles and obstacles in life
untrustworthy friends
can not sustain relationships
lonely and isolated
tendency to live off others
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 6th house or Virgo is malefic
will be short of hard cash
doesn't get any thing for asking
unfortunate till the age of 34
wandering aimlessly
inauspicious for the father
inauspicious for the maternal family
if the father and son separate early in life, mercury to be blamed
sisters and daughters not happy or well off, look up mercury.
a dilapidated temple near by
breathing trouble, asthma, bronchitis
disease of intestines
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 7th house or Libra is malefic
Wife will dominate in family matters
worried about the male issue
lack of marital bliss
discomfort or loss through the State.
escaping from family responsibilities.
swelling in the region of groin, uterus
swelling in the feet
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 8th house or Scorpio is malefic
getting defamed / rumors specially for relations with a woman.
starts accepting money for imparting knowledge
loves being alone, doesn't feel like mixing with people.
father either ill or in some trouble
fear or apprehension of getting defamed
trouble in betting a son
in debt in spite of good earning
feeling the sensation of breath being choked.
will suffer from anemia , or blood pressure
swelling in the area of jaw, calf muscles.
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 9th house or Sagittarius is malefic
disbeliever, atheist, blasphemous
insulting father and the elderly, or quarreling with them
unhappiness through children
gold either lost or sold or pawned.
doesn't keep his words, a liar
doesn't keep his father with him or refuses to care for him.
trouble or swelling of the knees
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 10th house or Capricorn is malefic
inauspicious for the father
obstacles in life after father's death
the person he befriends loses
day dreamer
will get a bad name for any help to others.
not highly educated or obstacles in education
sisters and daughters not happy
rumors about his character
may not get paternal property
even if he gets some paternal property he may
not be able to enjoy it.
not happy with wife or sons
being looked down upon by every one
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 11th house or Aquarius is malefic
father doesn't leave any money for him
lives away from his family
doesn't get along well with father.
unhappy with progeny
loss through the female relatives
female relatives not well off
lonely and solitary in spite of a big family.
dishonest and doesn't keep his word
possibility of a religious place or an educational
institution to the west of his house which has been
in disuse.
Symptoms indicating Jupiter in the 12th house or Pisces is malefic:
unhappy on account of his progeny
Coveting, greedy, eye on some body else's wealth
unsavory rumors
doesn't get good nights sleep
giving false witness
problem of breathing specially at night
having liver or kidney problem
father suffering from asthma or long illness
if losses after the birth of a daughter.
watering nose, most of the time
There is a constant conversation in the heavens between the planets about you. No one aspect, planet, or planetary transit is more important than another. They are all working together in order of importance. For instance, Saturn acts as the cashier and the Moon as well as the 4th house as your wealth. Jupiter is the planet that can influence Saturn to go either way!
Are you using your Jupiter Energies Properly or is your Jupiter Afflicted
The gemstone to strengthen Jupiter is Yellow Topaz
Find out what you can do for an afflicted Jupiter Call Terry 954-473-0720
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