Weekly Capricorn Horoscope (or Capricorn Rising)
(Copyright ©Terry Nazon Inc. 2025)
by Terry Nazon World Famous Astrologer
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Week of Jan 27 – Feb 3 2025
Capricorn: (Dec. 22-Jan. 21): As your free complimentary horoscope week begins the New Moon in Aquarius is at 9°51' and a great way to start 2025! It's the Chinese New Year and the year of the Wood Snake, where cunning, craftiness, and razor-sharp instincts prevail. The New Moon in Aquarius starts a powerful new cycle in your 2nd house of money, wealth, possessions, land, and fixed assets. You embark on new money-making endeavors, and with a dream or hope of something you want or a goal, you can do anything.
The New Moon in Aquarius is about friends, acquaintances, your wide social circle, clubs, teams, groups, and people with whom you share your ideas and interests. You readily give advice and help but rarely want to get your hands dirty or stick around to see the outcome. The Moon here brings out your genius as it relates to family, property matters, home, domestic life, the past, ancestors, and what makes you feel comfortable. Deep emotional connections can frighten, if not scare, you when the Moon is in Aquarius. The New Moon in Aquarius at 9°51' @ 7:30 am ET. Check your free Natal Birth Chart Natal Birth Chart for any planets at 9°. Every New Moon starts a new cycle of reactions to experiences, circumstances, events, and people that come your way. This excerpt is from my Book La Luna, Moon Signs on Amazon.
Not only is the New Moon in Aquarius, but the planets Pluto, Mercury, and the Sun are also in Aquarius! It’s a week of change that jolts us out of our complacency. Things move fast and seem unpredictable or surprising. The Sun shines in your 2nd house of money and brings new desires that move you to earn more money to make your dream come true.
The planet Uranus S goes direct in Taurus (Fall) at 23° and, as the ruler of the sign of Aquarius, people generally want to see fast results and want their finances to improve. Uranus S goes directly and changes directions in your 5th house, so good fortune and luck. This also influences your 2nd house for money. Give Uranus time to turn around, though!
Feb.1 Venus in Pisces (Exaltation) conjoins Neptune in Pisces (Rulership) at 27°; blending these energies brings sympathy and fantasy to your life. This aspect can bring people together who suffer, make many fall in love unconditionally, and get carried away with the idea of love, not the reality of who they are in love with. This healing energy soothes the trauma you have experienced and marks a time to get through or move through past sufferings as Saturn reaches his retrograde degree and moves on in Pisces. As your ruler, Saturn, emerges from his shadow period, your thinking changes, and you see or understand things differently. You control your speech and evade arguments and misunderstandings, New business opportunities, and goals or dreams you held dear but never made come true come back.
Feb.2 Ground Hog Day Imbolc, and we are halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox.
Feb.3 Mercury in Aquarius trines Jupiter RX in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°, which is about to connect directly to the fixed Star Aldebaran. It can bring a stunning change in thinking and a show of brilliance. For some, it's a fortune change, and for others, it brings anxiety. It depends on your planet. Sudden travel plans, delays, and new laws or rules might change. A tremendous amount of fixed energy is at your disposal, and you might roll the dice and invest in your dreams.
Feb.3 Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) squares the wounded healer Chiron in Aries at 19°, Saturn's retrograde degree. Some emotional or family disturbances can exist with those who don't fit in. Mars is the ruler of men, the husband, the military, police, war, steel, fire, taking the initiative, accidents, pioneering, excitement, and sex. Avoid temperamental types who want to get under your skin. ©
You are so much more than just a Sun sign! Book your consultation with me here. ©Terry Nazon Inc, 2025 All Rights Reserved No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in |
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Feb.03 Mercury in Aquarius trine Jupiter RX in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°. Mercury is the information planet that transits around the zodiac, gathering information from the other planets for you.
Feb.03 Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) square Chiron in Aries at 19° Saturn's retrograde degree
Feb.04 a href="https://www.terrynazon.com/venus.html" target="_blank" >Venus enters Aries (Detriment)
Feb.04 Jupiter S Direct in Gemini (Detriment) at 11°
Feb.05 2nd Qtr. Moon in Taurus at 16°
Feb.07 The Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) inconjunct Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) at 18°
Feb.07 Venus in Aries (Detriment) sextile Pluto in Aquarius at 2°
Feb.07 Mercury in Aquarius inconjunctMars RX in Cancer (Fall) at 18°
Feb.08 Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) sextile Chiron in Aries at 19°
Feb.08 Mercury in Aquarius sextile Chiron in Aries at 19°
Feb.09 Sun in Aquarius (Detriment) conjunct Mercury in Aquarius
Feb.09 Mars RX in Cancer (Fall) trine Saturn in Pisces at 18°
Feb.10 Mercury in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus (Fall) at 23°
Use the degrees in this week's horoscope to compare with your own online Natal Birth Chart.
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They Say that Astrologers are born not made; meaning you are born an astrologer through many incarnations or not. Astrology is not easy; I work hard at it constantly in an effort to translate this universal language into easy to understand terms that everyone can understand. So remember, when you require more details and effortless timing, only a real astrologer can put it all together for you; I am only a phone consultation or email reading away.
"I don't believe in astrology; I'm a Sagittarius and we're skeptical." Arthur C. Clarke
Remember horoscopes can never replace a real consultation with me! The exact degrees and aspects of your Natal Birth Chart which is available here for free, will determine how you will be affected by the transits! Call Now 954-473-0720 to speak to Terry directly, all consultations are pre-paid and by appointment! Major Credit Cards Accepted
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The 12 Houses - Click on the links below to read how each house influences your personal astrology and horoscope
1st House - 2nd House - 3rd House - 4th House - 5th House - 6th House -
7th House - 8th House - 9th House - 10th House - 11th House - 12th House
The Planets - Click each planet to find out more about the meaning of the planets and how they influence your personal astrology and horoscope
The Sun - The Moon - Mercury - Mercury Retrograde - Venus - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn
Uranus - Neptune - Pluto - Chiron - Fixed Stars - Asteroids - The Lunar Nodes
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Terry Nazon Inc, (C) 2025 all rights reserved, | For entertainment purposes only.

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