Money Forecast - The Astrology of Prosperity 2014
While the planet Jupiter is in the feminine water sign of Cancer its exaltation, a degree of advancement in fortunes and finances can be expected. Jupiter in Cancer favors food, food services; the cost of goods bought and sold, real estate, and property matters. However, with Saturn in Scorpio, (banking, finances, credit cards, and privacy) Jupiter in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, security and keeping secrets and keeping your private life private are going to be an issue throughout 2014. If we don’t feel safe, we send less. Water signs like Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces tend to be private, and secretive, having a breach of privacy as we’ve seen in 2013 is going to be an ongoing issue. The New Moon in Capricorn that kicks off 2014 suggests that there will be a push for everyone to follow the same set of rules, and for everyone to play by the rules; cheaters are not tolerated in Capricorn’s world. The Uranus-Pluto squares in 2014 especially the Grand Cardinal square in April, and the eclipses of April 2014, indicate the balance of fairness has to be addressed. Uranus in Aries indicates the New Generation and Pluto in Capricorn indicates or represents the old guard and the way things have “always been done”. Together they collide and have a hard time finding common ground, still; but the turning point could be in April 2014, when we notice that things are not fair and that a handful of people are privy to all the information that’s collected and they decide how and if it’s used. With our ideas, creativity, personal conversations at risk of being seen and heard, nothing is safe, and that’s not fair. Mars in Libra (karma and balancing the scales) indicates that this could be a hot topic in 2014. How this affects our financial condition and money or economy, could be fascinating. In July the planet Jupiter enters Leo ruler of taking chances, gambling, gold and the stock market.
Right around October 2014 Jupiter and Saturn start playing a nasty game of tag. Taking chances with your saving or in the stock market is not advised.
Put your best foot forward in 2014 the Uranus-Pluto squares indicate a sustained period of high energy, and yes, volatility; but you can’t get ahead and you can’t make lots of money when things stand still either!